So far so good. With the help of Javor troops, TUN has gained control over many large cities and towns. The UNRAF has conducted various successful air raids, which mostly include scouting missions, Lost Cause base and weapon cache bombings, and air drops to resistance groups in Lost Cause territories. The Empire has been a great help, as they use their mighty naval force to blockade Louisiana, thus, making it much more difficult for AfA members to escape or for convoys delivering black smuggled weaponry to get through. TUN doesn't want to further damage Louisiana through bombings and missile strikes, so the takeover is expected to take a bit longer than expected, but so far UN troops have gained militarized control over many cities. (Excuse the crude drawings, this is my first time trying out this method) Legend: Dark red - United North Controlled areas Red - Lost Cause Controlled areas Black - High count of AfA members. Blue - Empire Navy Arrows(skinnier lines) - Future invasion plans. Note that the Lost Cause is spread into many areas even outside of their red zone, it just means that the area in the red lines is basically AfA territory. Also, black lines mean heavily AfA populated, but it doesn't mean other areas aren't, it just means that their main operations are sourced there. Future plan of action by TUN is to push right through to New Orleans, the capital of Louisiana, and the main Headquarters of the AfA. TUN and Javor need to regain control over the Louisiana government, while The Empire wreaks havoc on coastal cities and in Lost Cause control in other states.
The Democratic State of Texas has declared war on the AfA party. The Empire has blockaded New Orleans in order to deprive AfA of supplies and they are setting up a blockade with troops, having deprived AfA there of power by blockades and diversionary operations. It will take 5 posts to fully starve out New Orleans. The lost cause is gaining momentum within Mississippi, but this is a far less destructive, but just as hateful splinter. The Empire is dealing with it by pressuring Mississippi to outlaw the party, but they are unsuccessful.
The UFOS see's the Terrorist group in Louisiana and would like to know if we could send in some undercover agents to see what their real goal is?We would of course pass on all info to TUN
Japan has voted to break away from the Empire. This comes after years of tensions with HMKX punishing Japanese war criminals and pressuring Japan to remove the Yasukuni shrine, with the current, most popular candidate for President (FEP, Korean) promising to "remove the shrine from the Earth". This is very, very bad news. The Empire just lost a natural Aircraft Carrier and 2 of their 12 fleets. The 12th, the strongest in the Pacific with 2 Calamity-II-Class Carriers remained loyal because they were mostly staffed with Chinese and Russians, which was good when Japan was rioting, but the 7th of the Southern Pacific and 9th of the Northern Pacific have rebelled, with the 9th only doing so because the Admiral was Japanese. HMKX is currently negotiating with Japan to allow military bases, but it is going quite horribly. At this point in time, the Empire and Japan might go to war against each other. Japan was quite self-sufficient from the start, it always having anticipated this day would come.Japan is sending members of its National Guard to remove HMKX soldiers from forts, of course by orders they are refusing. The Empire making plans to supply air drops to the Soldiers.
The situation has gotten worse. Far worse. Japan is blocking HMKX efforts to remove their assets, and the non-negotiables of each side are in conflict. This is a bad situation, all around. With an election on the way, many candidates are promising a strong response. Wait... what was that?! The 9th fleet has mutinied under the command of Rear Admiral Min Wright, a British-Chinese officer who fought against the Japanese. Most of the fleet joined Rear Admiral Wright in battle, as the fleet divided along mostly ethnic lines. Many Japanese officers attempted to force the ships to Japan or HMKX. As Japan's (mostly) loyal 7th fleet rushing to quell the revolt at sea, HMKX has warned using the 7th will be an act of war and will incur a most wrathful response by Land, Sea and Air. It should be of note Japan holds a disproportionately large amount of HMKX assets by all measures. In depth look into the fleets, btw. (Just for lore purposes) 1st fleet: A lot of new tech in there, ships are constantly getting cycled out. Larger than most of the others, often fills in for other fleets. Mongolian/Korean personnel. 2nd fleet: Defender of the Northern Seas, placed within and around the North Pole itself, mostly destroyers and cruisers in order to repel large navies attempting to invade through the North Pole, medium in size. Russian personnel. 3rd and 4th fleets: Grouping them together because they mostly serve the same purpose: defending Southeastern Asia. The 3rd fleet however, is mainly offensive and has invasion and strike capability, while the 4th is mostly an all-purpose defensive fleet smashing pirates and designed to hamstring enemy attack. Each individually are the smallest fleets in the Empire, but combined they are sizable. Mostly Chinese personnel. 5th fleet: Guardian of the Black Sea, this fleet's sole purpose is to smash anything that might try to hamper trade along that route, consisting of mostly frigates and destroyers to hamper any attack. Fairly small. Russian personnel. 6th fleet: A fleet consisting mostly of submarines, designed to disrupt sea lines of communication and trade. The second largest fleet, only being topped by the 12th. A healthy mix of ethnicities. 7th fleet: A fleet that defends the Bering Strait and nearby territories from attack, mostly made up of frigates and some destroyers, staffed mostly by Japanese personnel. Currently under control of self-declared "Monarchy of Japan". 8th and 9th fleets: Grouping them together because their purposes are similar. Nearly omnipresent in the Empire, these two are fairly small on their own but become large when put together. Focuses on force projection and defending Imperial interests around the Globe. Healthy mix of ethnicities. 9th fleet currently undergoing mutiny against the "Monarchy of Japan". 10th fleet: Defender of the vast Pacific, is designed to curb piracy and small-time threats. Consequently large in numbers but does not have a single carrier. Chinese/Indian personnel. 11th fleet: Mostly stays in India to Arabia. Defends Imperial interests there. Well-rounded. Indian personnel. 12th fleet: Master and greatest of the Empire's fleets. Truly deserving of the title "Bulwark of the East", is a truly vast fleet, only fleet to have more than 1 carrier. Defends the entire Pacific from attack, responsible for taunting Hawaii. Designed to repel large-scale naval operations and project force across the Pacific. Healthy mix of ethnicities.
Neither side trusts UFOS to not twist the Japan-HMKX communications for their own ends. Japan, claiming the 9th as their own property has sent the 7th fleet in order to quell, according to them a "revolt at sea". HMKX has detached a large portion of the 8th fleet in order to assist what they claim are "loyal HMKX officers". Japan has actively blocked HMKX from removing any more of their military asssets, claiming that the remaining assets are now property of the Japanese military. HMKX has ignored their warnings for some assets where information security is needed. New Orleans has fallen. AfA was steamrolled by HMKX forces. They were hungry and weak, they fell easily.
(sorry for late response) After a short time of fighting, the Lost Cause has fallen, thanks to HMKX who attacked New Orleans from the sea. UN forces pushed them through Lafayette all the way to New Orleans, where UN troops stood on the eastern outskirts of the city, starving them. At that moment, HMKX pushed through and conquered their forces. The battle is not over yet, although Louisiana has been recaptured, it does not mean that the Lost Cause is suddenly vacant. They still control much territory in Mississipi and still terrorize many towns in Louisiana. The only thing that's left to be done is to clear those bastards out and make them suffer. As of now, TUN has taken over the government and has kept Louisiana under TUN's rule, for now. The UNRAF is dropping air supplies in police defended cities, and providing much-needed air strikes on AfA outposts. Thank you to Javor for your supply of troops who definitely offered quite a difference in the takeover. And a special thanks to The Empire, this is weird saying this, but you were much needed. Don't stop fighting now though, Mississipi and the other southern states need redemption in fighting against AfA members. Hopefully now that their main HQ, New Orleans, has fallen, their morale and dedication will drop. Keep fighting.
The UFOS President is not happy as he sends this Alert to ALL other Nations Last Night at about 4:30 Am a Band of theives who call themselves The Righteous Army Broke in and stole 3 of the Nuclear Warheads that were in The UFOS's stache they killed 45 Guards and critically injured 3 more we have police searching for them right now but we warn the other nations especially TUN and Javor who are closer than The Empire we urge you to keep a strong lookout for these criminals before they do something terrible.We are also infiltrating their Cult it will take 2 posts to infiltrate them and 3 more to actually get any viable info from them.
The Empire must stop fighting in order to deal with... internal affairs, namely Japan being at its throat. The Imperial Navy has been withdrawn, the Empire is on the edge of a war with Japan and it needs all the help it can get.
We don't want any buisness with your fight with Japan, unless it means the threat of TUN. We understand, you can back out of America now.
HMKX's plan to deal with Japan was foiled, after Japan made a mad dash for a country that had oil. The HMKX plan was to simply starve Japan of oil and starve them out generally. Looks like that won't be happening, they took a chunk of the 9th fleet with them, and that's the very same fleet whose favorite activity is projecting force and invading things. Currently, Japan made off with a vast number of Corvettes and a reasonable number of destroyers, and an Aircraft Carrier. Combined with the fact that they have a large Air Force. HMKX can't outright declare war on them, that would be giving a degree of recognition as a legitimate state and also inspire ill feelings in Japan, which they want to re-assimilate. Japan can't invade Vietnam which is richer in oil, that would amount to suicide by superpower because Vietnam is an ally of HMKX and HMKX has to fight Japan whether they like it or not, and attacking Malaysia is out of the question, another suicide by superpower. Attacking Indonesia would be suicide by superpower, if UKNS gets involved TUN does too... what do to, what to do... wait! There's a large and lucrative island! AUSTRALIA! Even better UFOS is too distracted looking the other way with nukes! TIME FOR INVASION! And phone up the righteous army, Japan might need their help. By the way: Japan isn't invading them just yet. UFOS should not know about this, HMXK is unaware.
The Restructuring of Federal Departments Act: Time to restructure the federal departments of Javor. We just used the former United States' department system, but that system was structured for a population much larger than ours. So, we are restructuring the various departments of the government. It includes re-organizing the departments, their jobs, etc. Here's a list of all of the top-level departments after it goes into effect, immediately after being signed: Dept. of Foreign Affairs Dept. of Military, Defense and Law Enforcement Dept. of Agriculture and Food Safety Dept. of Business, Worker's Affairs and Labor Dept. of Education Dept. of Energy, Water & Public Services Dept. of Health and Nutrition (its own act coming soon) Dept. of Urbanization, Planning and Housing Dept. of Transportation Dept. of Public Entertainment and Technology Dept. of the Economy Dept. of Intelligence
TUN has done much researching and has found a very, very, dark past of the AfA party. Warning Graphic Content: The murder of 183 African American residences. When the AfA party overtook Louisiana, they began a race cleansing strike in New Orleans. In the morning of their government takeover, they forced 183 Black American residents out of their homes and murdered them. Methods of death were: Hacked by machetes and axes/Crucified on burning crosses/Hanged on trees and street lamps/Beheaded/Shot/Skinned alive. The killings of the disabled, racial minorities, and religious people. Just the murder of random people. The majority of their murders were the cause of racial and religious tensions, but research shows they killed a whole rich white neighbourhood, just so they could steal their wealth. Through this research, TUN can see that the AfA were driven by white supremacy, and anti-religious ideas, although through examination, they seem to have constructed their own religion, although their 'religious' symbols are seen as a Christian mockery. Not only did they kill to "Cleanse" America, but they also killed people to strike fear into others hearts, as seen when they caused major riots, stabbings, mob attacks, and house/church burnings. They also disturbingly killed for fun, and some members made money off of being hitmen. Where did they get their money though? That is a question which needs more research, but TUN suspects it was through drug trade and robbing of wealth. The most likely reason though is that there are wealthy people behind all this, VERY wealthy people who have most likely supplied these deranged fools. So far, 109 Lost Cause members have been executed on Louisiana soil for their horrendous crimes, and 500+ others are under military surveillance in prisons.
To the surprise of literally no one, including the Republic of Texas, Mississippi has forbade the TUN army from invading them. The splinter faction of the AfA there is substantially less destructive or violent, and aside from the occasional lynch mob and rampant racism, it is a fairly constructive force. It might be time to allow the DST to eliminate them and step out of USA, TUN is being viewed as more and more of a threat, and allowing native Americans to deal with them might be a better idea.