One spy? Oh. What a shame, we converted the webs a long time ago. I think we had an engineer in there... A few more spies, a couple double agents. Of course, we might have double agents hurting us. Oh well, they go to room 101.
The Empire is now attempting to negotiate a deal with Laos. Laos acts as an Imperial missile platform and ally in exchange for aid and Imperial technology sharing.
This... interferes with a GAD members’ rights. Please remove your fleet. Egypt can take care of this, they will restrain Trelet. After all, the Empire doesn’t like Trelet as much as you do. And so does Egypt. Maybe not Spain though, a future GAD member. Please remove your fleet regardless. The Empire will restrain Trelet as needed, just ask.
To the Citizens of Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia and southern HKMX: DO NOT BE ALARMED! We will NOT be invading your countries! And we are not sending any militia personnel into your countries. Please do not attack any Thai or Treletian residents! ~~ Trelet military & executive government ~~
(out of game) You do realize the Empire is trying to restrain Treletian-UNKS power within the Southeast Asia? That’s why the Empire is allying with Laos and Vietnam. After all, that’s a direct attack platform to the Southern Empire.
Trelet proposes a deal to UKNS, HKMS, UFOS and TUN. We will not invade any countries for 15 years, but in exchange none of you invade, or go to war with, Trelet.
I own Gibraltar tho, that's a part of the United Kingdom too. The UKNS withdraws from Egypt, out of respect for the GAD, but refuses to stop the blockade of Gibraltar from any Trelet aggression. The UKNS is willing to accept this offer.
TUN has had great trading success with other countries. Those of which being, California Texas Mexico Ohio China Germany South Korea Vietnam Spain Portugal Greece New York has seen a huge success in the diamond industry and the market is booming! TUN is being funded extremely well.
TUN asks permission on behalf of UKNS if we can take Greenland. We know Denmark used to own, but no longer, and we are the closest landmass...
The UKNS accepts, as long as the TUN ensures that there will be protection of the native's rights and scientists from the international community may continue to access it for study.
The Empire requests UKNS not use Gibraltar as a military base, nor to not allow Imperial, Spanish, Swisslian, or any other GAD vessels through in times of peace.
TUN agrees to the UKNS's regulations. A small military force moves into Greenland, and all natives and scientists are notified ahead of time. All native peoples of Greenland are guaranteed full protection, and are given peace and proper law and justice. All scientists are still given access to their studies and will not be tampered with. TUN will take over Greenland as a United North country in 3 posts. For now, all citizens are independent, and will still run under their municipal governments, but now they will be under military protection and aid by TUN.
And thank goodness Trelet did not advance the deal to the Empire! The Empire has to continue restraining Treletian power lest they become a superpower.
TUN starts a new air force training program, which funds into excessive pilot training all throughout TUN. TUN also funds another program into training soldiers in far north conditions. Those of being in far north Yukon, Alaska, and Nunavut. This program will benefit Homeland Military Security efforts drastically. Naval training in the Arctic ocean has also begun. To become a steadily versatile force, military training has begun in Panama as a Jungle Combat initiative, and training has begun in the California desert as well. As a huge trading partner with TUN, they gladly welcome UN forces in to begin training with them.