Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Stnywitness, Aug 28, 2018.


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  1. lol do any of us ever really grow up?
  2. yes
  3. who? i know for sure my father has never grown up and i don't think i want to either
  4. You can if you want to, it’s just not a lot of fun.
    Impulsive_Egg likes this.
  5. i agree
  6. I disagree. It might be the content of growing up we have a different view on, however, instead of the desirability of that content.
    haastregt and Starsphere like this.
  7. All good ones! Any more?
  8. Hmm my friend wants to be a news writer reporter and hates English but hay ho
    Starsphere and Stnywitness like this.
  9. Let's ask you in 20 years.
    Impulsive_Egg likes this.
  10. GOTEEM
  11. when I said yes I didn't mean me, I mean other people actually grow up
  12. GOTEEM
  13. It's a question of perspective is all. To my son, who's about your age, I know he thinks I am all grown up. But that isn't how I feel. It's a perspective that you can only understand in about 20 years. So when it is said "does anyone ever really grow up?" that is a legitimate question and not necessarily understood by someone that is 14. I'm not trying to offend you, I was 14 once too, but it's hard at 14 to understand how someone feels that is decades older.
  14. I want to work for the IRS, I'm already pretty close since I'm a year away from being a tax accountant.
  15. Hm. I've been thinking a bit and I kind of want to be a pilot. Private pilot or doing it as a job.
    Stnywitness likes this.
  16. Nice
    Acemox2k likes this.
  17. i have done many jobs, some i have even been good at. My dream was astronaut. That did not seem likely but wanting to be a jet fighter pilot was a close second and might lead to the first. Ok, those were not going to happen, soooo the one that I kept thinking about my whole life was to be a soldier! Thats what i did, shooting m4's m16's and while 50 cal is fun, you cant beat the mk-19 Auotmatic 40mm gernade launcher, driving at night with night vision goggles.

    The toys are fun but serving the country and helping those in need is what makes it all worth it.
    Starsphere, NathanRP and Otus_NigRum like this.
  18. Damn, I would love to shoot one of those guns, but doing that in Canada would land me in deep trouble.
    Starsphere and Acemox2k like this.
  19. well, personally, i want to be a primary school [grade school for americans i think] teacher, as well as maybe being an author in my spare time. i love creative writing and working with kids and so i can see myself doing both in the future. i've found some stories and poems i wrote a few years ago and... some of them are half-decent for a ten-year-old.

    but when i talked to my mum a few months ago she said i'd make a good surgeon
    and yesterday she said i'd make a good lawyer

    as much as i love gruesome stuff and debating, i think i'll stay as a teacher :)
    Starsphere, Otus_NigRum and Acemox2k like this.
  20. I would pick teacher, surgeons and lawyers require too much schooling and work ;)