[SELLING] Just about everything I own.

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Slvr, Aug 19, 2018.

  1. Going to be doing a lot of residence remodeling and in general, just don't need a lot of the stuff I have laying around. Since real life is intent on ensuring I can't do any other kind of business, I'm going to list what I have and a price, and you can either post here or PM me if you're interested. If you manage to catch me in-game, we can talk there, too.

    I suggest doing ctrl + f and then typing any block/item name you are interested in to quickly find it. This is going to be a long list.

    Items are in varying quantities, from a DC to just under a DC to as few as a couple stacks. This is what remains of my shop inventory, as well as items I had remaining on my bulk business residence. I am just trying to clear it out.

    Last updated: 7:13PM 09/14/2018 EMC Time (EST)
    Please do NOT send payment until I confirm all items you ask for are still available, especially if it's more than 24 hours since I've updated! I'd really prefer if you waited to pay until you picked items up/items were delivered. :)
    Items that are struck out have been asked for by someone, and will be removed once the transaction with the player is complete. (Meaning they most likely will not be available if you ask for them despite them being struck out.)
    54 (1 DC) Mushroom Stew - 50r
    2991 Wheat Seeds - 1.5k
    3456 (1 DC) Beet Seeds - 1.5k
    3452 Melon Seeds - 500r
    3456 (1 DC) Beets - 500r
    ~3 DCs of Horse/Donkey/Mule Spawn Eggs, varying stats - 500r each, there will be CHOOSE signs at /v sbb_2-3

    ....Will add more once I get time. I have much more than this. If you're looking for anything in particular that you don't see above, ask and I've probably got it somewhere.
  2. End stone, End stone bricks and all the wood logs please :D (49k I believe)
  3. You are correct. I'll set up an ACCESS sign at /v sbb_2-3 and you can pay once you pick up.
  4. Pur pur blocks i would love as well as each DC of wood planks.

    I will make payment tonight, 22,500r if im correct:)
  5. Actually i lie. Can i have all the wood logs and the purpur blocks. Not planks
  6. Little__kev and Big__Kev like this.
  7. Would I be able to get the Iron supporter voucher for 50k?

    Also, sending 1.5k for those juke boxes...idk why i want them though
  8. 3354 Quartz Flakes - 32k
    3388 Quartz Ore - 60k
    2817 chiseled quartz - 100k
    450 Signs - 1.8k
    2084 Item Frames - 30k

    Would I be able to purchase all of these? Thanks :) I’ll send you the payment when I jump online next!
  9. ISV was spoken for via PM just before you sent this, sorry! :( But I can definitely send the jukeboxes, lol. I'll go ahead and mail them. No worries on mailing fee.

    The quartz stuff is 150k altogether since it's bundled, and with the signs and item frames that adds up to 181.8k :) But you certainly can have it. Would you like me to set up ACCESS signs on a residence or would you like me to drop it off someplace?
    RainbowPony likes this.
  10. 2 Beacons - 12k - I'll grab these if still available.
  11. 1 DC of each slab, bar dark oak wood (about 8 stacks of that) - 1k
    4 DCs or so of mixed wooden stairs. - 5k
    2.5 DCs or so of mixed wooden fences. - 1k

    I would lile this bundle for 5k if still available, please :)
  12. Yep, would you like me to set up access chests or deliver?

    (Side note to everyone else that's paid/expecting items: I have you guys written down, I just won't be able to get in-game until late tonight EMC time.)
    MoreMoople likes this.
  13. I'll take the 2dc of leaves. Do I pay your account?
  14. Yep. Pickup or delivery?
  15. Can I have Armour stands, brewing stands, and the DC of glow stone? I believe that is 23.5k. Delivery, please.
  16. how many nether brick blocks do you have?
  17. Sure thing. I'll just mail them once I'm on later.
    I forgot to mark out glowstone from a PM buy, sorry. The rest is still available though, if that's fine?
    MoreMoople and ThaKloned like this.
  18. Paid :)
  19. Sorry, on phone, can't quote everything.

    I'd like to take the following:

    Soul sand + end rod + lava bucket bundle (16k),
    All crafting tables (3k),

    Please. :)
  20. Dang, I'm late... I'll take the chests and enderchests tho for 3k