With a successful merge, the United Northern Armed Forces have come out with proper data of the military. Population of The United North stands at 32 million. Servicemen in the army: 1.6 million men and women (numbers have dropped post-war drastically and expect to be dropped to 900,000 by 1952) Active Personnel: 950,000 Reserves: 650,000. Vehicles: 174,000. 161,000 of which are transport vehicles and armoured vehicles, as well as SPGs Tanks: 13,000. Those of which are of US and British variants. The main battle tanks are: M4 Sherman, M26 Pershing, Cromwell, M36 Jackson, Chaffee. Artillery: 655 Air force: 9,000. Those of which are Spitfires, Hawker Hurricanes, B-17s, and others. Naval force: 10 Battleships, 4 Aircraft Carriers, 13 Cruisers, 49 destroyers, 12 submarines, 36 escort vessels, 23 frigates, 345 merchant vessels.
That's quite impressive. Very impressive. Speaking of which, creation of an air force might be important. With all the new steel rolling in, and so little Russians employed, we might as well as put em to work! The HMKX Empire has commissioned the MiG-15 jet, as well as modernization of the Yak-9 and Il-10. Development is underway for a bomber-type jet as well as a new Empire-Model jet, which would serve as its chief fighter. Design is expected to be a cross between Japanese concepts and prototype MiG model designs. It is unknown how well it would function. As a matter of fact, this is wholly unnecessary, and is only being done as an ego-boosting move to not rely on older jets. The Empire has decided to create nuclear power plants in Siberia. Korean engineers have been brought in, with Japanese and Korean technology and extreme safety standards. Failing to report flaws in the design or operations is punishable by up to 35 years in jail. It is of note these plants are nuclear-grade plutonium enrichment capable, though it was not built for this purpose. It is a civilian power plant, for this purpose. It could, however be quickly repurposed to create atomic weapons. The Empire has obtained information on the Atomic bomb, and has blueprint fragments. It is insufficient to create any bomb or weapon. While it is publicly known the plants are Nuclear-Capable, it is a Top Secret that Atomic bomb information was leaked to the HMKX Empire. If it is leaked, It could have massive repercussions to the Empire. The Empire is well aware of this. On a final note, the pipeline is halfway done! The massive trans-Siberia network will deliver fuel all around the HMKX Empire's territories, excluding Japan, as it is an island. It has not yet been named. Therefore, the leaders of the Empire have invited all current "Pseudonations formed from nations" representatives to the tip of Siberia-Alaska territory, as the most neutral given area in the Empire's territories, as a foreign fleet sits there. While the Empire was not pleased with this, it has proven to be a "Good fences make good neighbors" approach. NOW, A COMMERCIAL BREAK! The Empire is selling Korean and Chinese coal at dirt-cheap prices. The Empire has made massive briquette reserves from mining North Korean Coal and Chinese coal, particularly Anthracite. HMKX is rapidly phasing out coal use in both Korea and Japan, and soon for China. The remaining supply of Coal could theoretically light the entire Russian nation for 3 years, assuming slight rationing. It could warm the and light the Empire for 8 months. Assuming. Every. Household. Used. Coal. Please, take the coal. The Empire don't want it, people keep dying of Carbon Monoxide poisoning. The Empire'd much rather use that weird burning gas it keeps finding near oil deposits! It burns much cleaner. Take it, splurge on it, every house, not having to worry about cold! UK, this means you! TAKE IT! The Empire's selling at 1/2 of market value! The Empire have 80 Million tons of Coal left, and the Empire has nothing to do with it! TAKE IT! Please, take it. Take it, it's useless and only makes smog, and people keep dying from the smog. The sky is too polluted! Take the Empire's cursed coal and go! Let the representatives** name this massive continent-spanning pipeline, as well as improve the relations between the four*** Superstates. **Representatives from SL must be decided on a nation-wide basis due to the nation not even having government. *** It was heavily debated whether a state of anarchy could constitute a nation. It was decided, yes with the above caveat.
Peaceful invasion of Hawaii was a success. UNRN sent 3 naval units into the state to seize it. It was a success, not one shot was fired. Although many citizens are weary and confused, the government has great joy, as during the Fall of the United States after the war was a great struggle for the small state. TUN Council has negotiated a deal with Hawaii's leaders and the new policies have been added: Hawaii is now apart of The United North. Due to Hawaii being invaded unlike the other previous US states, Hawaii is it's own country, the flag and culture stays the same, US Troops there will be merged into the UNAF, although they can stay to defend their state and they will not be bothered to join any UNAF activities. Hawaii's government stays the same as a democracy, although they are still under Oligarchy rule of The United North Council. In other words, Hawaii is a free state, free on their activities and government as before, municipal elections and mayor decisions stay the same, although protection is under TUN. The only affects TUN council has on Hawaii is through Federal laws. Other than that, they are a free state. With Hawaii in the arms of TUN, economy and trade is boosted, and new resources are open to the rest of TUN. The UNAF will not be sending any Troops into Hawaii, but the UNRN will be sending patrol ships around the island.
The Empire is quietly focusing on internal reform. The Food industry has been heavily reformed, Korea's infrastructure is being overhauled, and most importantly, the modernization of the Air Force is complete. The Yak-9 and Il-10 have been both modernized, with 280 being restructured completely into admittedly mediocre jet fighters. The Yak-9s not converted were either turned into anti-jet fighters (which are devastatingly effective), or all systems generally optimized to the point of competing with low-end jet fighters (as much as a propeller fighter can, that is). Of note, the third variant has a projected 8:1 kill ratio with the Zero fighter. This represents a technological leap. The bomber Il-4 was also given general improvements. This ticks up the air force to roughly 9,000 planes. This has cost immense funds. While this drastically reduced unemployment, the Government is broke, as in unable to create any further major operations. Due to this, The Empire is once again doing nothing. The next operation on hand is upgrading steel factories, and to stop importing copper, as well as aggressive military actions! The Finnish wants to build an artificial military base. The Empire has mobilized a battleship and frigates to prevent interference. More specifically, A Gangut-Class battleship, and 3 Tacoma-Class Frigates are stationed near the base, as well as Finnish artillery arguably more terrifying than the fleet sent put together. The Empire is not assisting in any way other than protection, and will reap nothing from the island. They are not allowed to place their forces in the base or near it. It is, Right. Next. To. The. UKS. (It's still very much within Finnish waters, just close to the UKS. Uncomfortably close.) It will take 5 posts. After all, it's an island.
That moment when half a year passes as I'm asleep. When Swissilia became an anarchic state, it was out of the idea that God should be the sole leader of the world. Italy, Austria and Switzerland have freedom of religion, Luxembourg and Sicily do not. Of course, there is no heavy persecution of non-Christians in these regions, because of the pacifistic nature. However, almost all distributors of goods like store owners discriminate against Muslims, atheists et cetera, telling them to move elsewhere or convert. They are however tolerant of Jews, because of the mutual origin and moreover the way Jews were abused in the war. In Austria, there is some discussion about whether the theory of evolution can be accepted, as it is quite popular. It looks like Swissilia won't be joining the EC any time soon, as a consensus can't be reached.
Swissilia has heard about the UK's space ministry, and is interested. An offer of subsidisation/collaboration might be made later.
(In gameplay statement) We want YOU to take our leftover COAL! We want YOU to help us name our oil pipeline! We want to be friends with YOU! We, just for YOU, are lifting our trade barriers! Our tariffs are going away! (Partially) (Out of Gameplay statement) That space force, sounds nice. You can do it, not my position to judge. It's your country. (In game) However the Empire is displeased.
(In-game) The Empire has decided opening its doors to the new arrival will, in the long run go some way to mitigate their perception as an expansionist villain. After all, the Empire means well for the world, in the end. Their theocratic elements have seen to that. (please take the Empire's coal, it's useless in Korea, Japan and several parts of China. The HMKX Empire has more than enough to last Russia, sell it or something to France or something, The Empire doesn't care. All the empire wants is it out, and fast. Please don't side with UK over the inevitable brawl over the artificial island. It's not the Empire's, it's Finnish.)
Most Swissilians welcome the offer by the Hi-MaKiXi Empire. Some are still sceptical, because any agreement at all could lead to governmentalisation. They will almost certainly be won over, though. In 3 posts a letter of agreement will be sent, if no unexpected things occur.
Factories have seen a boom in the past 7 years due to war efforts, although, the country is needing more materials, and a trade agreement for The Empire's steel has been established. Will you accept? Some citizens who experienced democracy and a free to a voice no longer experience this, although the TUN Council who is Oligarchy treats the citizens well and does good for the people, the people still want a voice, and they want it heard, although the TUN Council is not budging until it can reform it's government. TUN Council hopes to stay as an Oligarchy, although they may choose to route of a Particracy, a form of government in which the country is ruled by a dominant political party (or parties) instead of the privileged few which rule in an Aristocracy or Oligarchy. Citizens will be allowed to vote for their representative parties, although many decisions will not be made by the public. Voting will happen every 4 years, and political governments will stay in control until voted out.
The island is complete. Several ships as well as troops are stationed there. HMKX Forces have left as according to plan. They, however can set sail at a moment’s notice. We await UKS response.
The UKNS government, delayed from focusing on internal matters, have ordered that any Finnish ships travelling through the Kattegat are to be seized until further noticed. Continued assistance on any artificial islands in international waters by the HMKX will be met with trade sanctions on coal. The Norwegian-Russian and Swedish-Finnish border are also receiving more fortifications - this will take two posts. Meanwhile, the X-1 has also taken flight. It, as expected, broke the sound barrier. The success has boosted government confidence in the Ministry of Space and more funding has been allocated for it. Research on a satellite, the Viking I, has begun - it is scheduled to launch in 1956 (in 9 pages). The new government budget has been unveiled. Spectacles and dental care will now be charged for under the health service, with politicians believing the poor are abusing the system to get freebies for fashion purposes. The Minister of Health has resigned, vehemently against the move, and arguing that they are overloading the system as a result of lack of care for their entire lives - the newspapers are on his side. The North Sea military has begun researching getting their own nuclear bombs. This will take five posts, after which production will begin, and they should be implemented in 2 pages.
The Empire is SELLING cheap coal. We don’t need it, we phased it out of China, Korea and Japan. TAKE OUR COAL, please. It’s 1/2 of market value, and The Empire knows you need it. It’s trade, however begrudgingly. The Empire really does not want it. If you do not, then why are you keeping your own citizens in the cold, just to spite us? Take it. Please. It’s making our workers riot. (Bad first person commercial break! Bad!) In addition, the Empire has recovered further Nuclear Bomb Blueprint fragments. This is all top secret, of course. The direct Plutonium enrichment process has begun, and a second power plant is being built. This is no secret, and the enriched Plutonium could not become a bomb. It is merely proof of concept and capability. A message to the UKS. We can build the bomb if we really wanted to. Right now, too. Can you? We are nothing to be ignored. If you want us, You’ll have to push through the entirety of Russia. We know what we are doing. (And we are broke. We just modernized our air force. And overhauled infrastructure in our MASSIVE country.) (bad in character/first person statement! Bad!)
The UKNS Parliament has passed the Bill of Human Rights. This ensures that every person - once born - has the right to life, the right to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, etc etc.. As a result, the death penalty has been abolished. Agriculture subsidies have also been increased, and the government has seized control of multiple areas of farmland citing 'landlord neglect', in an effort to expand agricultural production at home. People are also being encouraged to grow their own crops in their gardens. Food production has slightly increased, moving the date for the end of rationing to 1954 rather than 1956. Steam trains are also being phased out, moving to an oil-based alternative, in order to stop reliance on coal for everything. The government fears the job loss this will cause in the nationalised coal industry, however. They have also brushed off the HMKX's threats and posturing as exactly that, and are not worried about them. After West Russia, the habitable area of the continent-spanning state, was ravaged by Nazi Germany throughout the war, Japan was nuked, and China was destroyed by civil war, they are not a threat to anyone for the time being.
The UNAF begin plans on the M41 Walker bulldog, a light tank far superior to the chaffee which will be planned to totally replace it. Production will start in 1949, and it will be planned to replace the M24 entirely in 1952. That's not the only tank that will be planned though, to replace the M26 Pershing which although great, has horrible speed for a medium tank, and plans to start the production of the M46 Patton with a much better engine have started. Production will start in 1949 along with the M41. TUN council has announced that the countries form of government will fall under a Particracy. Much like an Oligarchy, power we reside with a few people, although citizens will be able to vote for these selective parties who will govern the country. Every 4 years an election will occur, although parties will be able to stay in control until they are voted out. To keep the country out of an autocratic form of government, the parties will not have absolute control, and must follow the laws and the constitution. Abuse of power could lead to impeachment. An election will start within 4 years. TUN Council has also signed the Gun Rights policy, a policy which allows citizens to purchase firearms, although all buyers MUST have a proper permit and must have a history check under the government. Firearms may only be bought by citizens of TUN. You must be of the legal age of 18 to purchase a firearm and you must have taken a proper course and be given a permit with proper background checks. TUN also lists a restricted list of firearms. These include: Military and Police graded weapons, Explosives, Machine guns, etc. Owning a restricted firearm is not allowed, unless the user is given a proper government authorized license, which is nearly impossible to obtain. Firearms may only be used in the sole purpose of: Self Defense, Hunting, and recreational use. Loss of a permit can be the cause of criminal activity. The Bill of Human Rights has been adopted, a law in which any person who is born has the right to freedom of speech, freedom of self defense, freedom of the press and the right to life and education etc. (sorry alt, I totally robbed you of this didn't I? Lmao)
In response to the HMKX Empire as an ally of UKNS, The United North reminds The Empire that attacking the UKNS will also result in an all out war in the Pacific Ocean. We defeated you once, and we can defeat you twice. TUN also starts a project to develop Nuclear energy and Nuclear Weaponry. This should be iterated into the TUN in 2 pages. TUN council has started a project to give the right to free health care to their citizens. The Health Care system will improve in 5 posts.
The Empire has no intention to attack. That amounts to suicide. However, be aware the Empire has more than enough agents to win without firing a shot. TUN, your oligarchy has proven to be your greatest weakness. Oligarchs look out for profit, above all. UKS, The Empire is sending a shipment of coal. We do not expect to be paid. Please do not shoot at the ships.