Aw, really?? Another game with a pm with replies allowed? I'm sorry, but I'm bothered by that... :/ Anyway: I don't have time to team up, at the moment. For now, please don't vote for me, so I'm not the first loser again.
Personally I wasn't too bothered by it last time. I can get the opinions of everyone else playing and see if they'd rather have a closed PM
15/16 votes are in. I'll still post the results and other stuff tonight if the last person doesn't vote
Most voted: TomvanWijnen (2 votes) Safe: Smooshed_Potato, TomvanWijnen, ShyguytheGamer1, DufTheHalls, GeneralWillikers, haastregt The first loser: FadedMartian (2 votes) Unsafe: ItsMeWolffpack, EquableHook, Lomax70, 607, Skeletin007, SliceOfRhyBread, Sydney4363, Eviltoade, Jelle68 A 4 way tie occurred between TomvanWijnen, FadedMartian, Eviltoade, and SliceOfRhyBread, and the winner was determined using Round 2 will end in 48 hours or when all 15 votes are received
Most voted: 607 (4 votes) Safe: ItsMeWolffpack, Smooshed_Potato, 607, GeberalWillikers, Skeletin007, ASliceOfRhyBread, Sydney4363 The first loser: Lomax70 (3 votes) Unsafe: EquableHook, TomvanWijnen, ShyguytheGamer1, DufTheHalls, haastregt, Eviltoade, Jelle68 Round 3 will end in 48 hours or after all 14 votes are received
I feel like I have been rooting for the same person to win for the past umpteen games. Maybe some day.
Most voted: TomvanWijnen (4 votes) Safe: TomvanWijnen, Smooshed_Potato, DufTheHalls, GeneralWillikers, haastregt The first loser: ShyguytheGamer1 (2 votes) Unsafe: ItsMeWolffpack, EquableHook, 607, Skeletin007, ASliceOfRhyBread, Sydney4363, Eviltoade, Jelle68 A tie between ShyguytheGamer1 and EquableHook occurred, and was settled by Round 4 will end in 48 hours or after all 13 votes are received
Mister tyrannical overlord wants to change the one rule that said it may be changed along the way It's based on trends I've seen in the game so far, in an effort to keep people from being safe the whole game. Basically nobody can be safe more than 2 rounds in a row, not 2 rounds total (Sorry if I worded it poorly) Maybe I'll keep it, maybe I won't. We'll see how it goes