That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. That moment when it's 106°F out, but you suddenly want hot chocolate!
    ConductorConduit and CarFryer like this.
  2. That moment when CarFryer makes you crave Hot chocolate and chocolate milk all at once. xD
  3. That moment when the water in your water bottle has an expiration date... like why... :confused:

    EDIT: Wow that picture is huge, this calls for a spoiler!
    ConductorConduit and MoreMoople like this.
  4. Wow when the moment happens when you see a giant picture of a water bottle XD
  5. Why? Plastics deteriorate. Particularly if left in cars frying.
  6. Woah, that's actually really far away, I didn't think water could stay good that long when stationary!
    CarFryer and MoreMoople like this.
  7. That moment when you see a Blizz Ard in June, and you're like:eek: JUNE. Of all months.
    Sydney4363 likes this.
  8. That moment when you're looking around frantically for your shulker boxes, and you eventually find out they're in your vault the WHOLE time, and then you realize you have to transport double chest of sandstone out for your outpost.
  9. That moment when you're trying to go to the next page of the "That moment when ...." thread, but this happens:

    Uhhh? :p
  10. That moment when you have run really far into the wild and realize you forgot to put your armor on.
  11. When you realize the "Ticket to Mars" wasn't just a collectible, meaning there was an event, and that you missed said event by 3 months, but still get to go to Mars late without a ticket! :D

    See that white dot on the upper left? That's not a star. ;)
  12. That moment when you find that someone put an empty container of chocolate milk in the fridge :mad:
    And no, it wasn't me...
  13. That moment when you don't fail the written part of your driver's test \o/✧*:・゚
    607, MoreMoople and FadedMartian like this.
  14. That moment when your Latin test was supposed to take 2.5 hours, but it was way too long, and eventually I worked for more than 3 hours and 10 minutes. :p That was quite the thing. :p
    607 and SliceOfRhyBread like this.
  15. That moment when you try and figure out something, but then you forget what it was, so you just rage on it.
  16. That moment when an enraged skeleton kills you at the Miner Mania event while you are afk :oops::mad:
  17. That moment when you want to try a whole new taste, by putting salt on your Cheez-Itz, and you end up going absolutely crazy.
  18. (in spoiler because slightly big picture)
  19. That moment when your running through the wilderness at full speed and you very very nearly miss falling into a ravine.

  20. That moment when you're almost done with your sand extravaganza submission thingy and you realise you could also use red sand... :p >.> oh well. :p
    607, xGGirlx and MoreMoople like this.