The "Share your (E)MC tips" thread

Discussion in 'Player Guides, Tips and Tricks' started by ShelLuser, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. What is obvious to you might not be to others. ;)
    You've got quite some experience in this field!
  2. There indeed is a change that the time in my life I have played minecraft is longer as the time I never played it... concreat is only since 1.12 though, and off-hand since 1.9, so not really aswell :p
    Also, in the time I amn't designing, I am woring on a beautifill emc-version of the blast chamber, one that usues an accound to break blocks (so it is ways shower) but does that at the most-efficient way, so one day there will be a thread "the most-efficient cobbletone farm" or something, that would mean I finished :p
    607 likes this.
  3. Very true, but it's the scale these guys build their stuff on, as well as it being survival where they have to gather all of their resources to build it.

    So I've been working with concrete and came up with a way to mine over a dc or more by just holding 2 buttons down at the same time and nothing else. No switch clicking, no having to get more powder in your hand. I built this on emc and got a sc in just mins.

    All you need for room is a 4x4 area.
    Then build an area for water, unbreakable block, and leave this last open space where obsidian is for an observer to face the hopper. Like this, Make sure to attach the hopper to the chest. Behind the hopper is a 1 block hole for water to flow into hopper.

    Next to the hopper place an observer facing the hopper.

    Next place a block over the left side of the chest then place a trap door on the bottom of the block over the right side of the chest, remove the block. Next leave a 1 block space on the right side of the chest and place a dropper facing the chest. Place a block on the back side of the observer and 1 piece of redstone dust under that block. Like this

    Notice I removed the block on the left side of the chest in the 1 pic above, this is to have access to the chest. Next place a hopper on top of the dropper then a SC or DC for powder.

    Last thing to do is to cover the water to keep flying concrete in water or on you to collect.

    You are now done!!! All you have to do now is have some starting powder. Hold the powder in your off hand (Shield hand) hold pick in main hand, after you place powder just hold both left and right click on mouse down together, do not let up. Make sure to face the block next to the trapdoor with your back to the dropper. The dropper will feed you powder while the hopper will collect the finished concrete. (some do fall to the player)

    You can add many more chests and hoppers to both powder and finished chest and you can afk here for many DC's. This is compact, simple, resource friendly and produces concrete the fastest way I've seen yet since you are auto replenished with powder.

    I left this open for tutorial purposes, you might want to seal it up better to keep the concrete from flying out the trap door and for looks.
    Gawadrolt and ShelLuser like this.
  5. This is my EMC Build

    BlitzAttack likes this.
  6. So yeah... I was part of an event yesterday and it was a solid reminder for me just how awesome the server and the community actually is. Thus I figured... why not dump something here again ;)

    That's not just a fancy intro, it also leads up to my first tip:

    /res shout

    Are you doing an event on your residence? Then keep this command in mind! It will turn everything you say in a blue color, so that you really stand out from the others on the residence. And that can help you draw some more attention to yourself. For example when doing a drop party and you're warning the players that something went a little bit wrong, but you're fixing it :)

    Res shouting can only be used by the owner of a residence and everyone who has an admin flag. So: the moment you see someone talk in blue you'll know for sure that they're part of the residence in some way.

    A warning for our newer users though: The admin flag = DANGER!, don't just give it to random strangers, check the link to learn why you shouldn't do this.


    So... I'm in my residence storage, recovering from the drop party, while a friend of mine went out to the wasteland to check if they replaced an item there (in a locked chest). And sure: while I'm pretty stuck inside a redstone contraption (to expand it a little) I get a question in group chat: "Do you have any torches for me?" (while standing on the outpost by the way!).

    Yeah, well... say I do have torches, but I don't want to leave my building spot because it took me a while to get there.. Worse: the area is so small that I also don't want anyone /gtp'ing to me because that will only result in annoyance because there's no room to move (so no one will see a thing anymore).

    In those cases /trade can be an awesome command. It basically allows you to exchange items and/or rupees with each other, even though you're far apart. It doesn't matter where you are in town, but in the wastelands you need to be approx. 42 blocks near each other for this to work (or standing on the outpost, so within the protected area).

    Just be careful: you need to click 2 confirmations. First you need to click the pink dye to turn it green (found at the very edges of the top row) and once both players did that you have to click the red pane glass (to turn it green). Only then will the trade succeed.

    And finally....

    /vote fixitem

    Are you lucky enough to have acquired voter tools?

    If you're also often changing your Minecraft name then you may end up with tools which hold another name than the one you may prefer. Easily remedied: just hold the item in your hand and then use the command above. This will rename the item to your current name.

    Note though: this only works for items which you own, so which you earned yourself from voting, unfortunately you can't rename voter items which you got from other players :)
    607 likes this.
  7. So what does it look like if you send a map to another servers?

    I'm deviating a little bit from the previous posts in that sense that although there is a tip involved it's actually more about the explanation than the tip itself ;)

    My tip is not to sent maps across servers. What's a map you ask? A piece of paper which you'll automatically hold in 2 hands, something like this:

    Now, this is an actual map but don't let the contents fool you. Do you know about the flag shop? You can buy real country flags in there, very nifty. Yet eventually you're getting yourself a map and not necessarily a flag. This is also why you need an item frame to place the flag, I mean map, into.

    But back to the subject at hand: what happens when you sent a map from one server to the other? Simple answer: you'll get an error message:

    But why? More so: that didn't really answer the question at all, did it?

    So the reason why this is prevented is because maps don't work across servers. Some (newer) players don't realize this but a map actually points to a physical location on the server. Ergo: what you see on the map needs to physically exist 'somewhere' within the server you're on. Now, there's a little bit more to this than that because maps don't necessarily continue to update after you made them. And just like banners you can also copy maps.

    But even so: a map "points" to a specific location on the server, where at some point in time everything you see on the map has been build there. So if you move such a map to another server then it would basically point to the wrong location, so the map would be lost.

    So, back to the original question.... This is what it looks like if you transport a map across servers:

    Right: the original from smp2, Left: what it looks like on smp1

    And that's what it looks like when you transport maps across servers. They'll become totally useless which is why it's better not to try to move them.
    Merek_Shadower, 607 and Jelle68 like this.
  8. I learnt some new things from that post (the one with 3 tips), but I disagree with the final remark. ;)
  9. Why? I see nothing wrong with the original <whistles innocently>

    Thanks for the heads up, fixed! :)
  10. Wait, you didn't change anything, did you? :p
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. Delaying pressure plates

    Aya is part of an outpost on SMP2 and I'm also welcome to look around there. This week I got a question about the pressure plates: they opened the door, but also close pretty fast:

    Now, I'm not going to explain every detail on how to connect the pressure plates (in this example all the plates open both doors) but we're only going to look at a way how you can easily delay the signal a little bit so that your door stay open just a little longer.

    The solution? 2 comparators:

    You may be able to see three brown concrete blocks in the ceiling. That's where the pressure plates are, the small strip of redstone dust in front of the 3 diorite blocks is the area which gets powered. And all you need to delay that a little longer are the two comparators in front. Just 2 running into each other as shown here.

    In case you're wondering how this works...

    A comparator is a very simple tool. By default it simply passes a redstone signal without changing it. So what comes in also goes out. That's where the second comparator comes into play. As you can see it takes one extra redstone dust to connect it. Which also means that any redstone signal will degrade by one. After all: a redstone signal will decay with every extra block it needs to travel.

    So say that the original signal was 15. It went through the comparator (still 15), into the other comparator and there it is 14. That signal gets moved back into the first one, but because it needs to move one block it also degrades again.

    What you basically have here is a construction which can pick up a signal, and slowly degrades it to 0. This is what it looks like when you connect this setup to a row of redstone lamps:

    You might not be able to see this but there are 15 lamps there. which is the maximum charge redstone can have. When you press the button all lamps will light up initially after which the signal will slowly degrade; you can see an example in the screenshot.

    So if you use this for your pressure plates, as shown above, then it will effectively delay the signal a bit: after the pressure plates deactivated the signal will still be there for a while, leaving your doors open for just a little longer.

    Usually just enough time for visitors to easily make it past your doors without having to run.
    Gawadrolt and 607 like this.
  12. You might want to mention who learned you that :rolleyes:

    Also, you can place a block in front of one of the repeaters to double the time, and just simpally add more comparators to make it have an even bigger amount of time :p[/quote]
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  13. magnehg did, when we were busy sorting out a town build.

    I know you also mentioned it to me when you saw the delay I made (I think on Aya's res?), but as I mentioned back then as well I was already familiar with the design ;)

    It's a good setup but I seldomly use it myself because you don't have much control over the actual timing. I mostly use this in single player with a lot of lamps to create that "down move" effect.
    607 and Jelle68 like this.
  14. if u get a message outside town about "a great feast" then its very easy 2 find!

    The smell of a Great Feast comes from around 4054,35

    Just use this: /compass set 4054 35

    Now all u need 2 do is follow the needle to the place where the chest could be!

    ofc this only works when super turkeys are around ^.^
    AncientTower likes this.
  15. This thread is old but also somewhat timeless I think.

    In town we have lots of cool tricks which we can use while building. Does someone need your help? No problem: /invite them into your group and then you can /gtp to them (or they to you) no matter where you are in town (provided that the residence flags allow it of course).

    But in the wild (Frontier or Wastelands) not so much. You can still /gtp but only within 42 blocks, once per 15 minutes and if you haven't been in combat recently. So you shouldn't use this too casually.

    Now what? I can't really get up there...

    Tip: /trade also works outside town, within 42 blocks (approximately, I haven't tested the maximum distance myself yet). What's /trade you ask? Only the coolest command on an economy server! And it's an EMC custom command, so don't expect to find this somewhere else.

    It allows you to trade items (and rupees) with each other. Within town you can use this anywhere you'd like.

    It's really simple: accept the trade, then place the items in the grid under your head. When you're done click the pink dye at the edge of the screen (the one on your own side of course). When the other player has done the same on their side the glass panes in the top middle will now turn red. Now both of you will have to click those (it'll turn green) and after that the trade will be completed.

    Here you can see Aya & me using this to swap materials. It's the perfect command if you need something but you're in a spot where other players can't easily reach you.

    Fun fact: you can also use this to actually trade items for rupees. See those emeralds on top? If one of those emeralds turns into a diamond then you'll know that one of the players has also added rupees to the trade.

    If you want to learn more about the /trade command (it's really worth the effort!) then please check out this wiki page.
  16. if ur mining obby then keep a bucket of water in ur offhand ^.^

    b/c u place water using the right mouse key it can also be done with the offhand. And that makes obby mining much more easier and safer. i already got 2 stacks of obsidian, and lots more 2 go!
    Merek_Shadower and 607 like this.
  17. //calc is a thing

    World Edit CUI lightmod makes simpler creation of residense subzones

    /fr perms exist

    I know this is an old thread, too useful to not revive, so bump =P
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  18. Use Giselbaer's EMC Shop Locator mod, you can find the cheapest prices for an item that you desire to buy or sell! I use it myself and it's a very nice mod. The only thing about it is the fact that it does slow chunk loading a bit because it scans each chunk for shop signs, it's noticeable if you're flying through the wastelands on an elytra.

    You can also use it to compare your shop prices to prices for the same item around EMC.

    EMC Shop Locator

    Use This If You Don't Believe me that this is an approved mod, lol.
    Tuqueque and 607 like this.
  19. If you can't find coal, use wood logs to make charcoal.