Okay so... I missed the party, and for whatever reason wasn't getting notifications despite having watched this threat. I went there late last night and the access sign wasn't working... is there a way this could be fixed please? Sorry for the inconvenience.
Yikes, sorry about this. I fixed the sign. I apologize for the mistakes we've made during this. But hey, we learn from our mistakes right? Next year I'll make sure to double check. Thanks!
It's all good! This is certainly a high-end event that took a lot of hard work from you. And as someone that often tries to host good (albeit energy consuming) events, I respect this. So all of these mistakes should be forgiven, because next year you'll probably do much better. Kudos to your for this event.
Remember to pick up your gifts! Oh and a few people left a few extra items in a few of your chests, so even if you've already picked up your things, check again
lol, almost forgot 2 pick up ^.^ i wanna thank all of u 4 awesome event! really liked my chest, and i think it even made shelly a little jelly dont want 2 spoil the secret in santa but my chest had nice chest art and i really liked that! keeping the pic! ^.^