SMP8 Public Wild Utilities

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by khixan, Jun 16, 2015.


SMP8 wants ???

XP Grinders 145 vote(s) 46.0%
Iron Farm 63 vote(s) 20.0%
Gold Farm 52 vote(s) 16.5%
Guardian Farm 39 vote(s) 12.4%
Other (leave in comments) 16 vote(s) 5.1%
  1. Tree Eater is indeed fixed. Wood has been replaced with red wool for leaf crusher.
  2. oh yeah, I forgot about that :oops:
    SlightlySachsAlt and Tuqueque like this.
  3. - Notice -
    Pigmentus is undergoing renovations, and is currently CLOSED.
    Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.
    Pigmentus should only be closed for a day or two at most.

  4. UPDATE - Corrupted and I fixed the glass. It looks like someone made a path from the suicide hole to go exploring or hunt turkeys in the surrounding area. We also killed several turkeys that were out there. There are doors on the Nether Express folks to get to the outside nether. No need to break stuff. Thanks :)

    This is a message from Lac. I don't know the status on it and haven't gone to take a look yet. Sounds like a problem at one of the blaze grinders at Hot Rods (there are 4 of them out there) -
    At the distant blaze grinder pair in the 1st killroom area there is a hole in the window that is overlooking the lava ocean.
    There is also a scaffolding in place out there as well wrappin around and into the nether fortress
    I did an inspection of the rest of Hot Rods and found no other issues.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  5. --coughs-- oh Bobby.... ;) Pigmentus update please dear?
  6. almost 5 days hes been offline out of game....
    RL prolly happened.
    Slvr, khixan, b0bbythebuild3r and 3 others like this.
  7. My sincere apologies. I've been dealing with a lot IRL recently, and I've had very little time to do anything else. :(

    If I remember correctly, I just need a vouch for WeirdManiac, and we're golden. I'm in-game now if you're able to give a quick vouch khix. :)

    Again, sorry guys; I'll try to get things up and running again this weekend.
  8. oh shoot, Weird only friended me and not you too? Derp derp. Ok on my way. I can't stay though dear. In the middle of cooking stuffs for next week's relatives/parties. Today has been super bonkers.
  9. Bobby meh man, we're busting you outta this thing called "irl" for emc is better hehe

    All jokes aside hope you can get your things outta the way and enjoy some emc time soon ;)
    khixan, Tuqueque and Kytula like this.
  10. Pigmentus is OPEN!
    Thank you very much Bobby, RD, MrC, and Corrupted <3
  11. Again, my apologies; I wish this could have happened sooner. :(
    khixan, ChespinLover77 and Tuqueque like this.
  12. Hey, real life stuff happens. Minecraft, especially EMC, is fun, but real life definitely comes first. While I'm sure everyone's overjoyed to have Pigmentus available for use again, nobody should be upset with you for taking a while. Thank you and everyone involved for fixing it up. :)
    Tyron87, khixan, Kytula and 4 others like this.
  13. That's our lot in life...

    Glad you're still hangin' in there. Thanks for getting Pigmentus up and running again.
    khixan, Tuqueque and ChespinLover77 like this.
  14. Thanks for the farms. today is my first day on EMC and I decided to use your iron farm. I took the available afk spot someone was in the other and a player named VaultPage decided that he was going to share my afk spot with me. NOT COOL. I was there first told him to back off and no response from him. Is there a place where we can report these players? Im still there as im typing this
    Tyron87, Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  15. I'm sorry to hear the other player was rude. You can see what staff is online by typing "/staff" and ask them to talk to the other player about rudeness and waiting their turn. If no staff is online, there is the reporting option which is outlined here -

    Obviously, an incident like this would be very hard for staff to prove and do anything about if they weren't physically there themselves to see the behavior. You probably did the best thing you could do by posting about the problem here.

    We provided the AFK area at Fe(II) due to popular demand (and against my better judgement - I hate AFK public builds bc of this type of reason), but in all honesty, you will get more iron faster using the manual kill option and the chests up top. There are free gold swords all over Pigmentus in chests (at entrance and several DCs straight back near the villager and to the left). To use the manual kill, throw the levers. All the drops will go into the manual kill chests (drops often wind up there anyway if golems fight the water or start shoving each other).

    Just to clarify since I have had a number of new players make assumptions -
    All PWU builds are player owned and run. We are a regular player run community and charity, not an EMC official anything.

    To the EMC community at large -
    We built these public wild utilities so everyone can have more fun on EMC. They are meant to give all players access to common resources/XP, especially players who have no other access to these types of farms. The vast majority of the time, everyone uses them courteously and respectfully. Thank you all for that!

    We have run into a few rudeness situations like this at Fe(II) just like we have run into a few "do NOT AFK here" problems at Pigmentus. The best I can tell you is to try talk to the other player politely, and if that doesn't work, get staff involved. The other player may not think they are doing anything wrong, they may just be very young, or real life may have gotten in their way. I'm not perfect by any means; I lose my temper too sometimes and act like an ass. Try to be better than me, keep your cool, and behave in a way that it is in line with how you wish the other person would act. Lead by example folks. That's the best advice I've got.

    Some general common courtesy rules for Fe(II) -
    • Wait your turn. Fe(II) supports 2 people afking. It supports 2 people using manual kill.
    • Using manual kill trumps the AFK. You are welcome to use the manual kill while others are using the AFK option. Set the levers back to AFK if there are AFK player/s when you are finished.
    • Stealing from the manual kill chests is not ok. It's not your iron. If no one is there when you get there, I do agree any iron in the chests is up for grabs. However, Corrupted has witnessed someone stealing it from another player. That is not acceptable. Iron is not hard to get using Fe(II). There is no need to steal it.
    • If I get to Fe(II) and someone is afking, I normally take their iron out of the manual kill chests, throw it at them so they get it immediately, and then use the manual kill override myself. That is perfectly acceptable.
    Hope that all helps. Cheers all :)
  16. bunny bridge is adrift again, I'm not to comfortable attempted to fix it, I might make it worse. . .
    khixan, Tuqueque and Kytula like this.
  17. So I've visited the SMP8 wild public utilities for the first time in a few months, and may I say, I LOVE the updates! The nether hub is probably the coolest thing I've seen in a while :)
    Jadzz, Tuqueque, Kytula and 1 other person like this.
  18. can we get better directions to the tree farm. i cant find it with the ones you gave
    Tuqueque likes this.
  19. How To Get To The Tree Farm

    Go to the nether hub but just before and follow the bridge along

    when the path joins up to another path go right so you dont end up going to the old iron farm :p

    Follow the path along until you see this.

    I hope this can help~

  20. thanks
    khixan and Tuqueque like this.