May GRIP use their resources on community efforts?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Nov 13, 2016.


Allowing GRIP to sponsor community events

Poll closed Dec 25, 2016.
Good idea. 12 vote(s) 70.6%
Neutral. 3 vote(s) 17.6%
Bad idea. 1 vote(s) 5.9%
Other (please leave a comment below!) 1 vote(s) 5.9%
  1. Hi gang!

    Apologies if my post gets a little haywire'ish, I'm a little agitated at the time of writing. Nothing too serious.

    I'm pretty sure plenty of (newer) players may never have heard of us. GRIP is a community driven non-profit organization with the drive to help out griefed players. Here's the problem: if you're griefed you can report it to staff, they can then punish the griefer but they won't be able to undo the damage. You won't get your stuff back.

    I can understand why, but I refused to accept this for what it was. And so GRIP was formed: we have build up a rather huge storage of items which we can provide to griefed players in order to help them rebuild. And I like to think we were successful. Even in unthinkable spots like town griefing (staff won't even consider it a grief (for good reasons!)) but that did't stop us :cool:

    Just so we're clear: town griefing can't happen unless you give out permission flags to people who then abuse them. It is not your fault if that happens, but it is your responsibility. Staff honestly can't help there. :(

    Anyway, in the mean time the developers have rolled out the awesome anti-griefing update. I am super excited about that one (still am) but it also took our job :D Well, not really, but we have honestly noticed a decrease in griefing claims. That can have 2 reasons: griefing went down, or people don't know about us. I like to think it's somewhere in between.

    But it does leave us with a huge dilemma. We have a pretty large storage filled with items, we have approx. 5 million rupees, and that is a community effort, meant to be spend on the community. Reminds me about something too.

    I'm not the kind of player who would go "Well, no one talks about us anymore, lets cut our "losses"" and pretend as if nothing happened. Nor am I the kind of player who would justify using our resources for anything without having consulted those who matter most here: YOU GUYS, the Empire Minecraft community.

    A new GRIP service

    Sometimes I come across events and I can't help notice that there are a lot of players enjoying them. Or sometimes (this happens more sporadically) you see the idea for an event but the player doesn't have the resources yet to carry it out.

    I'll be honest: I'm always a bit skeptic about the last scenario, but I'm also not ignoring the thing all together either.

    So here's the idea: allowing GRIP to help out with certain community projects. In specific: some player hosted events, obviously player managed public services and maybe more. This could be in the form of rupee or item donations, that needs to be addressed and discussed. We also need regulations, that too will be addressed at a later time.

    Now, please be aware: these plans will also be discussed amongst the GRIP members. But before we do I need to know that you guys are ok with it. Community should come first when you're doing a community service.

    SO... Would you do us the honor of filling out the poll below? Don't be shy: even if you never heard from us so far then just check out the thread, and make up your own mind about it.

    But your opinion matters to us!
    607 likes this.
  2. Actually now that build protection is out how often will GRIP be needed besides older builds? Just curious.

    To answer your question, I think you should probably PM me as I have an idea for something in the near future, and I'd love to collaborate with you if you're willing. :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. As long as there is a clever acronym for this branch of GRIP.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  4. I think that should be possible.
    However, do keep in mind events don't always go as planned, and donated is donated, so if an event gets cancelled, you've still lost your resources.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. Exactly, that is a huge dilemma to keep in mind. The whole idea is to let the community benefit somehow. Also reminds me to check up on some public protection setups.

    One very important thing to keep in mind: this idea is still a draft. Just an idea I had.
    607 likes this.
  6. Small (almost) mid-week bump :)
  7. Someone dared me.

    607, TomvanWijnen and UltiPig like this.
  8. Please do not take this as a staff authority. Just an idea I had.

    I would think it would be cool to seek out some new players to use funds/resources to give them a huge jump start on their creations. By new players I mean under 30-60 days old (alts not allowed), but also not brand new having been here longer than a certain amount of time (maybe 5-7 days). Ideally you want to catch them somewhere after the spot in time where they just stop playing and disappear. But also before they are fully established and no longer need the help.
    You would also want to approach it in such a way that it doesn't ruin the game for them. Imagine starting Minecraft the first time, and someone throws soulbound full unbreakable armor on you with insane protection such that you can't die. Same thing, players still will want to do mining, but this can be overly tedious for someone that has nothing as a new player and wants to let out their inner creative.

    I don't know what stock you have built up, but I encourage you to think about how those items may be used. Some blocks that are donated simply will never be needed for a griefing incident.
    The rupees in particular is a tough thing to distribute. So that money should be used in such a way that it is injected back into the economy, not just be transferred to another persons balance (in my opinion). Specifically, spending money in player shops to hopefully empty some of their stock as well. Just be careful of embezzlement via overly high costs in the benefiting player shop.

    Community projects are nice also.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  9. Not to worry.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to this, I really appreciate it. Also because I can't help think that you're also thought about this with the experiences you have as a staff member, and that gives you some other insights into this which us players simply don't have.

    This is definitely something I'm going to discuss with the rest of the group and to check how we might be able to do this.

    As to our resources: nearly 6 million rupees and one storage packed with a large variety of building materials.
    607 likes this.