Is Halloween celebrated where you live?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by 607, Oct 15, 2016.


Do _you_ celebrate Halloween in some form?

Yes. 10 vote(s) 76.9%
No, but I've done so in the past. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
No, I've never done it. 3 vote(s) 23.1%
  1. Hi, it's me again!

    Where I live, Halloween isn't celebrated. We had two kids ask for candy once, when we were still living in Utrecht, but in Frisia, I've never seen anything related to it.
    On the internet, however, I see Halloween mentioned a lot throughout October.
    It makes me wonder, perhaps Halloween is celebrated more in the USA?
    I'd like to ask: is Halloween celebrated around you, and in what form? I assume it's most common to have kids walk the doors asking for candy, dressed up as something scary, but perhaps there might be other traditions too.
    Oh, and of course, I'd like to know where you live - no, not that way, the country/state, I mean.

    I don't like Halloween myself and am glad it isn't celebrated here, but I'm interested in how common it is elsewhere around the world! :)
  2. Halloween is pretty big in the U.S as it's a holiday that can be celebrated by every age!

    Most young kids and adolescents will dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating to collect candy around their neighborhood. You pretty much just go door-to-door and say "trick or treat" and the person will give you candy.

    Once you outgrow trick-or-treating, mostly when you get closer to young adult years, people will dress up in fun costumes and go to Halloween themed parties rather than going door to door asking for candy.

    I've actually never gone trick-or-treating before due to my food allergies but it's pretty popular amongst almost everyone (at least where I live) to go out for a few hours collecting candy from strangers.. :p Halloween has never been my favorite holiday but it's still pretty cool to see what other people dress up as.
    Lordess_Spartan, ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  3. I'm in Florida, USA. As Samsimx said, it is pretty popular here in the US. And many adults even host Howloween themed parties. I thought it was celebrated in the U.K. As well, but I'm probably mistaken.
    607 likes this.
  4. Halloween originally originated in Europe with the Celtic festival of Samhain. Back then it was a little different, but I'd think that it would be celebrated a lot more in Europe than NA. Thought yet again Netherlands is closer to Germany than the Irish and British isles, but I do find it odd it's not celebrated much where you are. NA has popularized Halloween a lot, but it's origins will always be in Europe.
    607 likes this.
  5. We celebrate it here in the UK. Some people like it and take part, some don't... some go out for treats and some stay in and give sweets. Some lock the doors and hope for peace and quiet :p

    In our houeshold, we usually grab some sweets for others coming around, and usually I've gone out to go for some at other houses along our road, but recently I've stopped doing it as much. It's usually something children do, but some adults do it as well, especially those with their children.

    Most people opt to wear something scary, or at least semi-scary anyway :D
    607 likes this.
  6. As stated above, the UK celebrates Halloween but i can tell you that it is much better to celebrate it in the US. I went to New York in October 2014 and it was crazy!, there was inflatables and amazing decorations and lots and lots of people. I enjoy Halloween it is just not as big in the UK as it is in the US.
    607 likes this.
  7. Im from New Jersey. Yes we celebrate Halloween, and I <3 it! We get to dress up as anything we want. Something scary, awesome, childish, whatever you want :D Thats the best part about Halloween getting to dress up! Trick or Treating is ok the candy is good but COSTUMES YAAAY!! :p This year im being Korra from The Legend of Korra:

    Happy Early Halloween Everyone!
    607 and Sachrock like this.
  8. We celebrate by putting hats on our animals. Mostly cowboy hats but if we are feeling very daring we will put a beret on them. Once we have done that we all gather in a circle and sing the song "Under Pressure". It's a catchy little tune and we all enjoy this verily. When the singing is completed we usually lay down and take a nap as after all that excitement we are quite tired. I can't wait.
    TuckerAmbr and 607 like this.
  9. Am a junior in high school and I still go out for the hell of it. The United States is weird.
  10. Thank you for the comments! :)

    Dressing up as a character from a tv series or video game seems quite cool to me! Much more interesting than a generic witch/skeleton/ghost/zombie/whatever.
  11. Yeah it is. It brings everyone in my neighborhood together. I never really go trick-or-treating, though. I usually set up a Candy Stand at the park nearby and let kids pick out candies they want.

    Oh, and I'm pretty sure the Candy Stand is only something I do.
    UltiPig and 607 like this.
  12. We go to a friend's house for a party, then around the neighborhood for a while & then usually hang out at our friend's a little later. The neighbor hood that we go house to house "trick or treating" even has a few houses with coolers of beer for the adults! My kids are 8 & 10 and enjoy dressing up. I usually have a simple costume for myself as well. A few years ago I tied a giant clear garbage bag around me, filled it with baloons and added a popular jelly bean company's logo on the front. Instant bag of jelly beans!
    607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  13. funny, Halloween IS selebrated where I live, wich isn't that far away from you :rolleyes: Or, well, not really big still, there are a few "halloween parties" wich are in forests and orgianized by the local scouting. There is one more fun thing, wich is that There are people/childeren mostly walking from house to house, but we made a rule over the village that you may only do "trick or tread" at homes that are ornate in halloween style. wich works pritty good :)
    607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  14. I believe my mother told me we are like the only street who "celebrate" it in our town. :p
    Jelle68 and 607 like this.
  15. The general unwritten rule here for which houses are ok to approach: a light on out front. Most houses here have a light by the front door or on the front porch area. If that is on, it symbolizes it is ok to knock. If it is off, it is concidered impolite or even rude to knock. Decorations in the yard can also indicate participation, but sometimes people with decorations may not be home, so they would leave their light off.
    607 likes this.
  16. Ah, that seems like a good way to handle it!

    My suspicion is that Halloween is celebrated more to the left and bottom of the Netherlands than centre and top.
    I'm not sure though, it might just be region specific.
  17. I'm in the USA and Halloween is celebrated just about all around where I live. Most younger kids will go trick or treating, and even we who are a bit older tend to go out on a lesser scale because hey, free food. :p However, eventually people shift (usually around high school age) to getting together in little parties for Halloween, until eventually that becomes the norm.
    607 likes this.
  18. We 'celebrate' it in the UK when we're young by trick-or-treating. When we're older we just go to Halloween theme park thingies - where I live, anyway. We don't do much, probably because we're not even supposed to celebrate it as it's viewed as a Catholic holiday and not a Protestant one - and boy, I wish there was a country that hated Catholics more than us. I do come from an area that is mostly Catholic due to a high number of Irish immigrants in the 18th century (and coincidentally, the place with the most slums in the UK until the 1960s), so that's weird.

    On a personal level, I do not like Halloween. I think that kids and teenagers knocking on your door is annoying, and I'm confused as to how this is the one time of the year it's socially acceptable to give sweets to children you don't know.
    Saying that though, I'm ready to hoard Haribos this year because they're likely going to be among the foods leaving Britain within the next two years (alongside Pot Noodles, Marmite, Ben & Jerry's, which are already going out of stock :().
    607 likes this.