Hey EMC, I thought this would be a fun idea for a game, and I think about it a lot... This can be from EMC, to real life, or anything you want, and remember to follow EMC Rules. I will start off with one i thought of last night while making a snack; I remember when.... you would get a bag of Microwave Popcorn and the bag would fill up fully, but now is 1/3 full haha,
Ah, I was around then too, but way too dumb and young to know anything (it was almost 5 years ago, which is quite a substantial part of my total age... ) I also remember when I said to my friend to only buy diamonds for 44 rupees or less...
i remember when i first joined. all those ppl! didn't knew if i should run off or stay SO glad i stayed, best server ever i think!
i remember when i started the server i made like 30 friend first week ( just saying that doesnt happen anymore XD)
I remember when 1.8 came out and we waited for forever and a day to be updated..... that taught me patience
I remember when the most spoken languages on the EMC forums were English and Spanish, instead of English and Dutch.
I remember when we would think about what would happen if Super Mario Galaxy 2 were to exist. Also: ShelLuser would beat us all here, I hope he posts here soon