The following things are dangerous Pokemon GO Breathing Water Grass Mowing said grass Driving Not driving Flying Sailing Walking Running Concrete The Internet Electricity Glass Buildings Metal Food Therefore by the same logic we should ban all of these things because they pose a threat for the people (idiots) who don't know to use them properly. So we should stop basically everything we are doing, cease eating, drinking, moving, and thinking and just sit down in a cave. Oh wait, those are dangerous too. Okay so we just sit around doing nothing outside. But wait, sitting is dangerous too, so lets stand. But standing is also dangerous in it's own right.....
I really don't understand why people are so concerned about Pokemon Go being dangerous. Of course if you let hundreds of millions of people onto the streets, there's going to be a couple dull headed idiots out there that will attempt to ignore the crossing signal and run across the street for a Pidgey. Isn't that obvious? What the solution to this problem is not to take away Pokemon Go from the 99.999% of people out there who will have no problems playing and enjoying it without injury but to throw that 0.001% of people with a lead skull into solitary confinement. /rant
Maybe it's just because I live in a small/safe town, but I can't see it being dangerous at all outside of the user being stupid. We have Facebook groups in my town where teams can meet up and take over gyms, use lures, etc. The cops have been really good at patrolling the well know areas people play it at (like our town square). I haven't personally met up with anyone from my team yet, because I just created my own account last week, but I actually know most of the people on my team because it's such a small town. As for pokestops, unless I'm with my brother in law (who is 6'8) or a group, I don't get out of my car. I just park close enough to collect things. Also don't want to get out because it's been so hot/humid. I keep pepper spray in my car for added protection, but I did that before I even started the game because I'm a 5ft female who often goes places alone. So, it's just common sense to me.
Wait, huh? You're doing it backwards here A knife or a chainsaw, I think, are two tangible objects you can hurt yourself with even if you're not being stupid. Accidents happen.
Oh. So you're doing it backwards from the way I took it lol. Obviously, a knife or other clearly hazardous object can harm you even if you're not a total idiot. But things like a sponge, a plastic bag, a car tire; and in this case, Pokemon Go, you won't be able to hurt yourself unless you're terminally stupid.
pokemon go is ment to get people outside and meet new people eing active and social instead of a shut in imo at least.
Sorry if it wasn't clear, that isn't what I had asked. I was asking about this statement: What evil things did you see when you looked it up and could you provide the sources (websites where it was found) for it?
I was a Field Tester and so I have been playing Go since about the beginning of June, there were none of these moments of insanity that we hear about on the news every night now for the entire month of the field tests. I also play Ingress, the game that Pokemon Go is built off of, which Aikar got me into eons ago. You hear of insane things happening with Ingress, but good insane things like people flying to tibet to complete a zone for their team, or the bi-monthly (or is it seasonal) anomaly events (Think worldwide events, like if a Mewtwo were to appear to everyone in Go in a specific area, like what was hinted at with the Mewtwo in Time Square in the teaser trailer..) Knowing both games, rather well, it is disheartening that people are taking Go to such an extreme that the only time they look up is when they are looking into the eyes of the paramedics after they decided to chase a Dragonite with a CP of 43 across a busy interstate. Not all players are like this, and many people actually pay attention, but these moments of insanity in Go are all that are covered in the news unfortunately, and so bode poorly on the fandom that currently surrounds the game. I sometimes get newsletters from another server that has a large player base of autistic players, and their most recent newsletter reinforced the mantra of "Paying Attention to ones surroundings". There was an incident where one of the players "got lost" in Pokemon Go and got lost physically and connected to the server via minechat in a panic seeking help. The other players were able to help them, but the admin felt the need to tell people to watch what you are doing. The game itself does nothing and is not dangerous, but not paying attention while playing it is. Many of the people whom have posted since my first post talking about the game being dangerous are fundamentally stating what I just did but as blame-shifting taking place, place the blame on the game itself and not the lack of attention which they call into account for the game being dangerous. People normally inherently know what is dangerous and what is not. It is an evolutionary trait that is stuck in our brain, this is why we know what plants are poisonous and everything. However, some peoples need for competition in the way it is set forth in Go are causing people to override this safety feature in their brains to do stuff like driving around playing Go to having their eyes glued to the screen so that they put themselves in a position to walk off cliffs or into traffic. I laughed at a recent article where someone illegally crossed the Canadian border playing Go.
My puppy is dangerous but does that mean i'm gonna stop loving her and playing with her no! She has that face that you just cannot resist! Kinda like eevee! Oh god... I'm sorry i'm off topic now... Umm stay in school kids! Umm, I'm gonna go now...
There's nothing wrong with Pokemon GO as a game, the game's fine. It's up to the player to make surethat they are playing the game in a safe fashion. There's even a disclaimer warning the player before you begin playing the game, to "Be safe and be aware of your environment."