Pokemon Go!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by FriedLikeRice, Jul 9, 2016.

  1. Pretty much, I have never properly played any of the previous games, though I have watched some of the shows :)

    Almost level 5 now, at the end of the bar for level 4... trip in London helped, but the app kept crashing. I've not updated it so it's better, but now I'm back home where there's not many Pokemon! Ah :p
    SirTah likes this.
  2. Pokemon wasn't my generation originally. My generation had Thundercats, He-man, Transformers (original), Smurfs... maybe you add like Duck Tales and Animaniacs and stuff like that in there. Pokemon and Teletubbies was like one or two generations after mine.

    I did play Magic: The Gathering but I never collected Pokemon cards, never watched the show or played the video games until now. I was aware of Pikachu obviously and I knew Meowth was a bad guy on the show (although I didn't know his name was Meowth until I started playing Pokemon Go).

    So yeah, I started playing Pokemon Go without having much experience with Pokemon at all. I'm also not inspired at all to go play the other games or find cards or watch the TV show or the movie that came out. I just like playing Pokemon Go. I like the social aspects of the game and I like that it gets me out of the house and walking around in places around town I don't normally go. I've already talked to more new people in the five days I've been playing the game than I have in the past two years combined.
    SirTah, ChickenDice and 607 like this.
  3. Yes. Kinda. Everyone I know watched Pokemon and a lot of people even collected toys/model thingies as a child, but if you played the games you deserved to be bullied to them. Now they're all playing Pokemon Go and hyping over it.

    Fallout Shelter was similar, in that people knew about Fallout but it isn't a common thing for a person to play. Suddenly everyone is playing Fallout Shelter and it has 50 million players. The sale numbers of Fallout and Fallout 2 aren't known, but it is well under 1 million even when combined. Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4 sold 21 million when combined (based on older figures, probably closer to around 30 million now). It had a very minuscule budget, but just because it was free and a large number of fans wanted early Fallout 4 vibes it got propelled to a best-selling app, which exposed it to more people. I'm going to bet it's made many millions more than Fallout 4 did ($750 million last time I checked), which is insane. Mobile games are weird.

    Honestly, I don't see the big deal with Pokemon Go. It's literally just Pokemon but the virtually non-existent, boring gameplay when you walk around being replaced with actual walking, sprinkled with a layer of microtransactions. I'm mildly interested just because everyone is losing their minds over it, but I honestly can't understand why.
    SirTah likes this.
  4. Went out for the sole purpose of grabbing pokemon at the local church. App wouldn't want to start. Servers and GPS seem to hate me. Oh well! :rolleyes:
    samsimx and SirTah like this.
  5. I payed it on my dad's phone (YaY) and almost EVERY time i tried to cath a poke, app froze :mad::mad: ARGH!!
    But I caught pidgy and a weedle and a crab-ike pokemon.
    SirTah likes this.
  6. pictures to come as soon as i remember to actually do that
    SirTah likes this.
  7. I hit Level 20 today. Finally have several Pokemon up over 1k in CP so I can keep gyms a bit longer. Next step is to start teaming up with some other Mystic team members to level up these gyms. There was a yellow team gym today up at level 9... certainly beatable but it'd take some time to do it.
  8. valor for the win? my whole town is taken over by valor at the moment
    SirTah likes this.
  9. I keep catching Pokémon but they keep thinking and crashing when I try to C them RRRGH
    SirTah likes this.
  10. SirTah likes this.
  11. I've found out that if I open google maps or the default map app on iOS that my game gets less of the GPS LOCATION NOT FOUND error crap. This might just be a "placebo" :p or whatever but I do feel like it helped quite a bit, but it burns your battery even more. Rip.
    jkrmnj and FDNY21 like this.
  12. Are onix supposed to be rare? I caught 8 in one area yesterday, all within a 3 hour period (they weren't good levels though).
    Hrghorhg and ChickenDice like this.
  13. Pokemon NO!

    i just got done painting these and i am so in love with them!!!!

    Hrghorhg, Shadow_Dcord, 607 and 3 others like this.
  15. Definitely rare in my area. I'm level 17 now and still no onix but I think that has something with your geological location. (Ocean will have fish, desert will have fossils etc.)
    Gawadrolt and jkjkjk182 like this.
  16. What are they??
    SirTah likes this.
  17. Those are the teams!

    607 likes this.
  18. Thanks for the info
  19. Just got level 6. It seems like the team leaders would be villian leaders in other Pokemon games.
    SirTah likes this.
  20. Just got a new phone so I can actually play the game :D spent 4 hours yesterday at our local mall since there are 3 gyms and 11 pokestops there. After it closed were still people driving around the parking lot taking over gyms lol. We stayed until about 12 when the security people told us all we had to leave :p
    SirTah likes this.