[POLICY] Macro Limitations

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Krysyy, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. Might be easier to create a google doc with them all then she can check mark all the ok ones :D
    ANubIsWe3 and Perry_Stahlsis like this.
  2. I did respond...

  3. That's kind of insane if that's a hard limit. I know of several people personally who can click beyond a (rather measly when it comes to jitter clicking) 10 CPS. The limit before being considered a hack/macro abuse should be at *least* 17. Most anti-hack systems kick in at 19 or 20. I max out at about 8 CPS and I'm mediocre at best, I can't even properly jitter click. No doubt that somebody who is actually good at jitter clicking will go way beyond your 10 CPS limit.
  4. It's the limit that Aikar put in place in the last update for shop sign spamming. With the 1.9 combat changes, jitter clicking faster than 10 cps doesn't get you anywhere in combat so that's a moot point.
  5. Whether or not it's of any good is irrelevant lol. What happened to "play your way"? If somebody wants to jitter click, especially effective in fair pvp arenas, why can't they?
    ScufIsAOriginal and SkareCboi like this.
  6. This was a change put into effect by Aikar. You'll have to take it up with him in a pm or on his update thread. It's the Independence Day one.
  7. Well thanks for this update, NOT!! You just made crafting 10DCs of sea lanterns (50DCs of crystals and 40DC of shards) from a 2Hr job with macro to 1Day+ with this ridiculous macro crafting rules. Don't worry everyone the prices of sea lanterns will be going up. You don't understand that even with these macros it still takes a long time to craft items.
    But since you obviously don't use them yourself how could you know. Playing survival vs creative is a big difference. Us farmers use it to provide cheap resources for everyone but with your new rules. I will have to increase the price on what I farm as the crafting time will be increased.

    If I may ask how am I supposed to create a macro to move 1 stack then press another key to move another stack. There's not even enough keys on the keyboard to macro key a full inventory for crafting. Obviously as usual you haven't put much thought in your said "New Rules".
  8. Inb4 "we thought this out for a long time and considered stuff that you don't even know about, it's not changing so you have to adjust"

    Calling it.
  9. ?
    It's one click to one stack of product made. How does that take more than one keybind?
    Patr1cV and Saiviouss like this.
  10. Okay, so I happened along on this thread and it peaked my interest in something. I apparently used to think I could click pretty fast on the mouse, and was initially challenged when I saw the limit in place. After doing to some research and putting my clicking to the test, I must say if you can do a solid 10 clicks per second for an on-going length of time, then your arm / hand must not cramp up like mine.

    I found this nifty site which will actually allow you to test your click speed at some MIT educational site. Maybe everyone else already knew of this, but if not, then here is the link for those of you who might get a kick (click) out of trying your luck at this:


    I think my best so far was only 217 at an average of 8.68 CPS :(

    But that is still not bad I suppose...How fast can you click?

    Happy Clicking :)
    Saiviouss, Hashhog and Kytula like this.
  11. All I wanted to do with the macro mod was craft items without having to do them a stack at a time. I still haven't been able to figure out how to achieve this. I wish someone would write a guide.
  12. Ah, thanks for finally making a clear post!
    I've asked in thread and pm's about this before, but it's clear that it wasn't clear before, and the general public was unclear on the rules.
    Saiviouss likes this.
  13. Do you mean one stack of input per real world click, or one stack of output?

    If the rule is one stack of output at a time, then a macro that is legal, for example, for crafting a stack of melons into a stack of seeds, would be illegal if you had logs in your inventory, and thus the exact same macro crafted a stack of logs into 4 stacks of planks.

    An alternative could be to make the rule that a macro can only fill the crafting grid and collect the output once per real world click.

    Then, you could still only craft one stack of redstone blocks per click, but you could also extract a stack of redstone blocks into 9 stacks of dust, or craft 3 stacks of paper, or 6 of slabs, which are all quicker than crafting a stack of redstone blocks, if all are done without macros.

    TL;DR, and In Summary:

    Collecting the output (with shift) seems like a much more logical way to define a single operation to me, when compared with defining it based on the volume of the output, which can vary a lot between equal-effort recipes. If you were talking about the input, then nvm.

    EDIT: Got the output of the slab recipe wrong, lol
    607 and SkareCboi like this.
  14. This change is for the good of the economy and EMC.

    I only have one question regarding the new rules.

    You state that 1 macro click can maximum be a stack of items.
    Does that mean I can craft 64 melon slices into 7 Melon Blocks or 9 stacks of melon slices into 64 melon blocks?
    SirTah, tuqueque and 607 like this.
  15. This isn't an update. It's a clarification. Re-read your paragraph here. If we just made crafting your sea lanterns go from a '2Hr job with macro to 1Day+' job, then your macro was overpowered and far past what you could achieve with human input. Those extra 22+ hours are intended to be spent crafting in unmodded vanilla in order to receive your crafted items. Playing survival vs creative is a big difference and you are intended to be playing survival.

    Just because I do not use Macros has nothing to do with my research into this issue. Players, such as yourself, are mass crafting and/or mass trading way faster than a player could achieve without the macro. If you are walking faster than someone in normal mode, it's speed hacks and not allowed. The same concept has always been for Macros and it was high time that we send the community a REMINDER that they need to be within normal play range, regardless of mod that they use.

    We still allow monitored macro usage, within certain limitations. The one-to-one set up that we defined goes for output, not input. I apologize if that was not made clear enough. You can have a macro that places the materials into your crafting bench and crafts the materials into a stack of items for each time that you hit the macro key. However, if you are crafting 25 stacks, then you need to hit your macro 25 times. That shows that you put the input in. We don't allow the massive programs that run and craft multiple stacks with one human 'input'.

    Stack of output. I'll add your very nicely worded sentence to the post and hopefully that removes any confusion.

    We're not shutting down macros completely. We've had some issues recently prove that players are abusing the macro allowance and we needed to remind players that any and all automation of player action needs to be linked directly to player action.
    MaglorYavetil, FDNY21, SirTah and 3 others like this.
  16. So, you're saying that the macro I made that makes all blocks except for diamonds and Dragon Diamonds invisible is illegal?

    And the one that kills all entities within ten blocks? Can I keep using that one?
    JesusPower2, SirTah and BenMA like this.
  17. /s

    Yes, that would be a form of xray and illegal.

    That would be kill aura and illegal.
    SirTah and Sachrock like this.
  18. Those of us who play(ed) drums at a good clip won't suffer cramping as quickly as the average person at 10 CPS. Accuracy will suffer tho. For a frame of reference for the musically inclined, sustained 10 CPS is the same as 16th notes played at 150 bpm. While fast, this is very much within human limits using only an index finger and mouse. . . Some of us use two index fingers on a mouse when fast clicking... ahem... or so I imagine.

    So yeah, it's rare for the average person to be able to sustain 10 CPS without significant cramping, at first.

    P.S. In my heyday, 3 times a week, I used to practice for an hour before the rest of the band got to the studio, then jam with them for 3+ hours at 140+ bpm songs. And after I would have to use my hands and arms for things like driving, and having food and beverages, then more driving, and then typing on the computer, or playing video games. :) Oh, and I can do a fast, modestly well directed, jitter click too. Before 1.9 it used to be sporadically useful in combat...
    SirTah and 607 like this.
  19. So I imagine that these issues are sustained actions for more than just a couple of seconds at a time. Is that true? (seems so from all the other conversation; EDIT: my concern is for the non-crafting related parts of the rules. )

    I ask as due to my drumming background, If I try, I can still exceed the 10 CPS limit for a couple seconds or more at a time without having to pause to redirect my mouse. I tend to reserve rapid clicking for bulk buying from vendors who are open to it, or landscape repair. EDIT: Oh, and for spawning chickens by throwing regular eggs. I can spam an entire stack out in just about 1 second (~16 CPS for that)
    JesusPower2 and SirTah like this.
  20. Yes, the issues that we've had recently were way longer than a couple of seconds.
    SirTah and Perry_Stahlsis like this.