[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. False. Florida has very leniant gun laws, and as a result had this unfortunate shooting
  2. When it comes to the issue of abortion I am convinced the Republicans will never do anything about it. They had chances to try to amend the constitution but they never even attempted. Why do you think that was? As long as abortion is an issue the Republican party has a guaranteed voting block in every election, the Christian conservatives. You made the statement that the tiebreaker is abortion. So if abortion was a non-issue you might vote Democrat. That is why the Republican party will never ever ever do anything to stop abortion. It is in their best interest to keep it an issue.
    TuckerAmbr and SoulPunisher like this.
  3. Webster dictionary defines an assault rifle as: "Any of various automatic or semiautomatic rifles with large capacity magazines designed for military use." Your definition just differs from the accepted definition that is used commonly for the Ar-15.

    Don't be one of those guys. No one is trying to ban guns. The votes had nothing to do about banning guns from law abiding citizens. It was about not allowing individuals on the no fly list from buying guns. What the fear mongering NRA does is sickening. We want to stop suspected terrorists from getting guns and the NRA says "those damned Democrats are trying to take all your guns away". And guess what, some people believe them. Unbelievable.
    TuckerAmbr, We3_Nub and mba2012 like this.
  4. For me at least, I think it is murder. I know that's a strong word that is going to offend some people on here, but that's my standpoint. It all depends on what you consider to be "life". If you ask different Bio scholars/professors, or the whole assortment of dictionaries, you'll see the definitions vary. I guess for me, killing a 10 year old is restricting them from living (I don't know, roughly 70 more years). Killing someone in the womb is restricting them from living 80 or so years. Now usually when I say that people say "Then condoms are murder" , to which I respond: There is a line somewhere, I mean by the same logic I just said we should all just be making babies all the time or we are killers which clearly is ludicrous. So there is a line somewhere and personally I draw it at conception. Its just my own view, I'm not trying to represent a specific party or ideology.
    Lance2013 likes this.
  5. I don't understand why a civilian needs a rifle.
    mba2012 and SoulPunisher like this.
  6. I know the argument, I just don't understand why it's still an argument. The rest of the western world came to an acceptance years ago that abortion is very much not an issue anymore. Sure, we still have people who don't like it and want it outlawed again, but they're a minority, like 10-20% of the population - from what I can tell, it's a 50/50 split in the US.
  7. I know. It's that, dare I say, hillbilly paranoia that the government man is gonna take your guns away that makes the republicans go home at night and laugh at how absurdly easy it is to manipulate some people. Let me give you some news, the Democrats aren't gonna put 30%+ of the population on the no fly list. As hard as that might be to believe.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  8. I understand where you're coming from and I trust the IRS as far as I can throw them. Under any administration. I'm talking about putting millions more people on the no fly list to get at conservative Americans. Also, from what I understand that was one IRS office and a limited number of agents screwing with the non profit statuses. Plus, let's be honest, did any of those organizations ever really qualify as NPOs in the first place.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  9. Not surprised to see that someone tried to kill Trump...

    Only one attempt of many to go... (People tried to kill Obama for the first couple months of his presidency in 2009...)
  10. Lol and you think you little civilians with your little guns could overthrow a corrupt government with access to nuclear weapons? Get over yourself.

    The way I see it, anyone who does not support gun control is complicit in the murder of thousands of people every year.
  11. Not even nuclear weapons are needed. Tanks, planes, boats and a hell of a lot more. In the case of US Government vs the US People, I think we all know who would win.
    607, mba2012 and SoulPunisher like this.
  12. Hah, typical conservative "logic".

    If a group is to rebel, the government would go ahead and destroy the group and the movement before it could cause a real impact. There is no means they would go against. Britain waged a long war against the United States when we declared independence. According to many sources, 1/3 of the United States population owns firearms and that would mean (based on the 301.3 million population) 100,433,333 guns are owned. That is nothing against the United States military that YOU guys want to spend almost the entire national budget on. There is no reason they would be afraid. Our government couldn't care less about us, they're looking to get their next paycheck from the NRA. It's time for change in that system.

    The gun control being proposed isn't taking guns away from law abiding citizens. It's removing the ability to LEGALLY purchase weapons after being on the terrorist watch list. It's absurd that you can be on that list and LEGALLY purchase a firearm. A look at this map shows where gun ownership is most prevalent. Notice Florida, 30%-40%, the site of the most deadly shooting in national history. Now look at states such as New Jersey or New York, no such mass shootings.
  13. How would it take guns away from those citizens? How would he still get the weapons?
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