[UPDATE] Appeal System Upgrades

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, May 2, 2016.

  1. Courtesy of a very clever hamster by the name of JackBiggin, the appeal page is now snazzier than ever!

    Upon going to the default appeal.emc.gs page, the player data is pulled so that the system will automatically direct you where you need to go. There are 3 different pages that appear for 3 different scenarios:
    1. You are not currently banned.
      • What I hope most of you will see =)
    2. You are banned.
      • Option to appeal or dispute (utilizes forum conversation auto-creation)
    3. You are not logged into the forums.
      • Instructions to log in or fill out the form (Sent to support system automatically. Responses will be sent to the email you provide.)
    Photos of the possible scenarios below:

    Another thanks to the amazing work of JackBiggin. Any bugs, please tell us, but we've run tests and all seems to work correctly.
  2. First!

    Cool. Streamlined bureaucracy in any context or situation is always better for everyone involved, IMO.
  3. cool glad i won't ever see those pages xD.
  4. The "Good News" performs as advertised. :)

    I never log in as anyone but Pab10S, but I know several players have used more than one account on the Forums. Would there be any value in including who the website thinks we are somewhere on the page? It may save some confusion and keep Player from posting incorrectly in an Appeal or Dispute that was meant for PlayerAlt, or the other way around. There may be some detail that changes perspective and makes a difference in the result.
  5. Jack you da man! <3
  6. It would be whoever you are currently logged in as. It's a part of the main site, so just glance up top to see the name you are currently logged in under.
  7. Pretty cool. I will hopefully never see those pages ever
    JustCallMe_Bunni and iamcavie like this.
  8. Little grammar nazi here.

    Under You Are Banned

    "You should appeal the ban if you agree that what you did was against the rules, but would like to apologise and explain why you deserve to return to the Empire."

    The word but should only be used in contrasting ideas. Replace it with the word and.

    Also, apologize is with a z, not an s.
    So... Revised statement?

    You should appeal the ban if you agree that what you did was against the rules, and would like to apologize and explain why you deserve to return to the Empire.
  9. Ya gotta love that squeaky hamster. :D Thanks Jack!! =]
  10. Where is the reason for the ban?

    I can appeal right now for being banned for nothing! :D

    (Joking of course)
  11. Apologise with an S isn't incorrect. It's just a non-American way of spelling it. It's the same with realize/realise and many other words.
  12. Nice! Looks really well set up! Keep up the great work staff:D
    TheOriginalBank likes this.
  13. Well, for an United States based server, I guess it would be incorrect. ;)
  14. We may be based in the US but our community is definitely international. =D
  15. Although that is true, it doesn't really hold much relevance.

    For a U.S. based server, it would be with a z. :)

    Btw, I love the look of it -- it looks super clean.
  16. I think I read somewhere in the rules that everything is supposed to be in english. correct me if i am wrong.
  17. I hope it helps staff save time so they get back to fun stuff :). Also I hope I never see the red.
    crystaldragon13 likes this.