[Chrome Help] EMC Forums Not Working

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by FDNY21, Apr 14, 2016.


Have any Windows 10 users also experienced this problem?

Yes 11 vote(s) 37.9%
No 18 vote(s) 62.1%
  1. I've already shut off and restarted both Chrome and my computer numerous times. This is not an issue to do with the keyboard, this problem is to do with Chrome. The problem with posts is that there isn't a text box, not that I don't have my keyboard connected. The box and the drop downs don't even show up (and I'm typing on my keyboard on IE to reply to you now :p).
    Patr1cV and 607 like this.
  2. If possible try on another computer to see if these problems still exist and wether the problem relates to both or just 1 computer
  3. I know a couple of other players have the issue so I know that it's more than just one computer, but some people seem to be fine. It only seems to be the EMC site, too, which is strange...
  4. I am having this issue as well. (posting this from my phone)
    FDNY21 likes this.
  5. Just checked on my computer, I have so many less Errors, so I'm sure something is indeed going wrong :p
    607 likes this.
  6. Ohh....
  7. Firefox FTW
  8. That sometimes happens to me on mobile. Try reloading the page? Idk.
  9. Close chrome and reopen or check for updates.
  10. Already done this numerous times over the last two days and tried reinstalling too, to no avail. I've said this several times now.
    Thank you for your constructive post on how to fix the problem! :)
    Yeah, hopefully we can get a fix soon, I've noticed several other people that have the problem :p
    Glad it's not just me, I've heard of about four other people that have this issue now... not sure what the problem is!
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  11. I really don't know anymore, sorry :\ Could have something to do with the old version of XenForo we're using, of course, but I really wouldn't know. I haven't encountered the problem yet, but I may have turned automatic updates off.
  12. The only people that I have seen so far to have the problem were using Windows 10 and Google Chrome and they ran into the problem after an update. Not sure what it is, but it only seems to be the EMC site, I can use other sites that use XenFero just fine (as I checked with Shel yesterday). Hopefully something can get sorted, I really don't know what it is.
  13. I'm having the same problem, I had to log in on my phone to post. :( at first I thought I'd somehow been mistakenly silenced on the forum without receiving any sort of notice while I was away at work. I was like WHAT I DO??

    Hopefully this gets resolved soon, I don't post a lot but I like having the option there...
    FDNY21, TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  14. So I did a little searching around (as promised). I did come up with issues from the past where a Chrome version had issues with a beta release of Xenforo (source: Xenforo support site) but that's about it. I can't find much useful about recent Windows 10 updates which could have caused this.

    Not that this will help you much, but I did come across a thread which also mentioned issues with Chrome and Windows 10, however that thread is dated (from last year) and focuses on Chrome entirely; not just issues with one specific website.
    607 likes this.
  15. When I went digging around at old Chrome problems that were similar to this, a clearing of cache and cookies did it for most people, and certainly a re-install did. This must be something else, I can still use other sites normally and don't have any other problems, it's just the EMC site, so now that Aikar has the error code, hopefully something can be done!
    Turns out more and more people are getting this issue, hopefully we find a fix soon. I've been using internet explorer in the meantime for EMC, and while it's slow, it's not too bad as a filler until we get a fix!
  16. woo helpful

    On topic - I'd definitely post your problem at the forum below. An entire forum full of IT guys and tech geeks, including myself and TomvanWijnen :cool:

    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  17. 't Was a nice try ;)
  18. Yeah because the text box will appear if I unplug my keyboard and plug it back in. That's like trying to get your computer to run faster by eating pizza for lunch.
  19. I think it's just us on EMC having the problem (myself and few others), so I don't know if they'd be able to help - I've already looked at the internet and other forums for tips but all the things I've tried have no outcomes :p

    If the problem persists then I'll consider posting there, but right now, I'm just going to assume it's something wrong with the way the site is reacting to certain versions of Chrome and/or Win10... I'll see what Aikar says about the error from the F12 console :p
  20. Can you please disable adblock and try again? those errors look like some critical issue with chrome/win10, but I cant be sure whats due to adblock and whats not.
    FDNY21 likes this.