[Chrome Help] EMC Forums Not Working

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by FDNY21, Apr 14, 2016.


Have any Windows 10 users also experienced this problem?

Yes 11 vote(s) 37.9%
No 18 vote(s) 62.1%
  1. This problem only seems to be related to the Empire Minecraft site as opposed to any others so I'm posting it here in Help and Support.

    Problem: I cannot do things on EMC forums. The post box for threads does not appear, only the buttons underneath do, so I can't post. The drop down arrow next to my name on the top bar does now show up, and hovering over any buttons on the top bar does not bring down the drop down boxes, so I cannot look at my profile or alerts. If I post a status or vote on a poll, it goes through but it says unspecified error and doesn't show up until the page is refreshed.

    What I've tried to do to fix it: Deleting cache and cookies from the past week, using the Chrome Cleanup tool. Multiple restarts, and leaving it off overnight to see if it fixes itself.

    When I had the problem: It started last night (night of the 13th April) after the most recent update for Windows 10. I shut it down and updated, when I started it back up and it got past the loading screens, forums on Chrome wasn't the same and had the problems as mentioned above.

    If you need any other information then just ask, but other than that, please help!

    I have posted this from Internet Explorer.

    EDIT: Image of text box issue
  2. Have you tried turning it off and then back on? *sniff*
    God_Of_Gods, BenMA and Qkazoochan like this.
  3. Yes :p
    ShrinkingMatt likes this.
  4. Is your chrome the latest version? It normally updates itself, but maybe your's didn't? This happened once to me, the post box wouldn't show up, but I just restarted my chrome and it worked again. I'm not on Windows 10, I use a Mac Air 4, but you may find differently on a windows.
  5. All I can think of now, is try to look for someone with the same conditions as you, if they have the problem too. If they don't appear to have the same problem, maybe try reinstalling Chrome? I think I've had to do that for some reason in the past.
  6. Chrome auto updates when it is closed/opened. If it is not the latest version then the tool button in the top right has a differnet colour and it will have a button under the selection to update, but the colour and button is not there so it is not the version. It's the latest, and I've restarted many times over the last however many hours, and I have no change.
    Part of the aim of this thread is to find someone who had the conditions. I've looked on the internet but can't really get much help other than just clearing cache and cookies. Reinstalling Chrome is definitely an idea that I've been considering, but I was hoping that it would be an easy fix. Guess not...

    If I don't get anything soon then I'll likely uninstall and install Chrome again. If anyone has any ideas or can relate to the issue, please reply - thanks!
    607 likes this.
  7. I probably don't qualify because I don't use Win10 (still on 7) nor Chrome. However... I do use Opera which is build upon Chromium which is basically, as I like to call it, the Google Chrome do-it-yourself toolkit ;) Needless to say that I don't got any issues. But...

    What happens if you go here => http://forums.freebsd.org.

    Now, obviously you don't have an account there (so I assume) but they're using Xenforo too. I want to know if pop ups show. Do you see anything if you hover over a forum name? What happens if you click the "search" box in the upper right corner?

    Or try this, what happens if you check out this link:


    And click on my name? Does it show the pop-up window?

    Thing is: reading your story makes it sound as if stuff happened after you updated Win10. So for all we know this could be caused by something in Win10 itself and not so much Chrome. Remember how a weird anti-virus program suddenly blocked (parts of) the EMC website a few months back?

    Might be best to rule that part out first before you reinstall.

    On that subject: what did you update? Does your update scheme include both important and optional updates or do you have that separated?
    607, TomvanWijnen and FDNY21 like this.
  8. If you used Internet Explorer for this, I'm guessing this issue happened about a week ago?
  9. The site works, the drop downs work on the one you have shown. Pop ups when I press on a name still work, it's just posting and hovering over things that don't work on the EMC site properly. In fact, hovering over recently active threads still works on EMC, it's just the drop downs on the top bar that don't seem to be working. I still have no post box or anything, though :p

    My update settings just say that it updates automatically when there is an update available. I know other people have updated and can still use the site, so I don't know what it could be about the update, but then again, I'm unsure what it could be about Chrome too, seeing as how I've changed nothing about it. If it's of any help, Windows Defender is on and it auto stops malware from installing/running.

    This is a real head scratcher really, it auto updates but everyone else has been fine with it. By the sounds of it, it's just me, and I don't know what else to do!
    You should be proud of that one :p
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  10. I uninstalled Chrome from the control panel and deleted history with it. I reinstalled Chrome, and the problem still persists. I'm not sure else to do...
  11. Removed AdBlockerPlus from Chrome but still the problem persists, I'm really running out of ideas now :(

    I've added a screenshot to the original post of the text box issue.
    KJHaddrell01 likes this.
  12. I didn't read your complete post or any of the replies.

    I had this issue with chrome after and auto update. My only option to resolve was a reinstall of chrome. I have not had the issue since and Google restored all my settings making it painless.
  13. *I'm just saying random crap, because I want to help you but don't really have an idea what's going wrong :p if you feel like these aren't good ideas/you don't feel like doing them, I'll definitely understand :p*

    Maybe try using a different, newest version of Chromium using browser, and see if the issue persists? If it does, then I think the problem lies somewhere else in your system.

    Maybe try looking in the "installed applications" list of your computer, and sort by date, to see if maybe unwanted programs have been installed.
  14. Chrome has already been reinstalled, the problem still persists. I was hoping it would fix it, but it seems not.
    I've heard that someone else has this issue with Chrome too, so I don't think it's only me, though it seems very few are having the issue.

    I sorted by date to see what was installed recently and the only thing there that I don't think I did recently was a compatibility pack for the 2007 office system, I don't see how that would really cause anything?
    607 likes this.
  15. I got a dev. / admin (systems administration) account on TechNet, I'll check tomorrow (local time) if I can find out more about recent Win10 updates which might have had some impact on the web stack. Tomorrow is approx. 14 hours from now; not going to do this right now because that would be a bad idea ;)
    607 and FDNY21 like this.
  16. Indeed, those get installed automatically, and should not have been the problem.

    I feel like this has something to do with Windows itself then, as through all things you said it definitely started after the recent updates.

    My sister's laptop has Windows 10 and Chrome, so I just tried it over there, but she seems to just have missed the recent updates, as yesterday evening she didn't restart her computer >.>
    I unfortunately don't have any further ideas, apart from trying another Chromium browser, or, much worse, waiting until next wednesday afternoon, to get new updates (they usually have a pachtday Tuesday, if I remember correctly), but that option is quite an annoying option, and it also might not fix it...
    FDNY21 likes this.
  17. Thanks all for the replies. Sounds like we have no fix yet, but I know now that I'm not the only one, so hopefully there is a fix for it soon. If anyone has any more ideas on a fix then let me know, but it may just be having to wait for another update now...
    607 likes this.
  18. Press F12 to open dev tools, go to console. paste any errors shown there.
    IamTheNub, ShelLuser, 607 and 2 others like this.
  19. When pressing the forum tab button:

    GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?_sver=57278539 net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
    xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4 XenForo.activate(#document)
    xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:5 XenForo.TimestampRefresh: 1
    xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1 Uncaught IndexSizeError: Failed to set the 'maxLength' property on 'HTMLInputElement': The value provided (-1) is negative.c.extend.attr @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1b.extend.access @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1c.fn.extend.attr @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1(anonymous function) @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4b.extend.each @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1Z @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4(anonymous function) @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4b.extend.each @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1b.fn.b.each @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1d.fn.dateinput @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4XenForo.DatePicker @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:7$.extend.create @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4(anonymous function) @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:7b.extend.each @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1b.fn.b.each @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1(anonymous function) @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4c.event.handle @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1h.handle.o @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1c.event.trigger @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1(anonymous function) @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1b.extend.each @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1b.fn.b.each @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1c.fn.extend.trigger @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1$.extend.activate @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4$.extend.init @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4(anonymous function) @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:7b.extend.ready @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1u @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1
    gtm.js:68 Uncaught [object Object]h.error @ gtm.js:68x.W.onerror @ gtm.js:76
    ums.adtech.de/mapuser?providerid=1053;userid=kLrifsS86iyIvbYolO7_LcC-tH6IuuB9xu-xhwt6:1 GET http://ums.adtech.de/mapuser?providerid=1053;userid=kLrifsS86iyIvbYolO7_LcC-tH6IuuB9xu-xhwt6 net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
    conversionTracker.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: monitorConversion is not defined(anonymous function) @ conversionTracker.js:1
    gtm.js:68 Uncaught [object Object]

    When pressing a thread:

    GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?_sver=57278539 net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
    xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4 XenForo.activate(#document)
    xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:5 XenForo.TimestampRefresh: 1
    xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1 Uncaught IndexSizeError: Failed to set the 'maxLength' property on 'HTMLInputElement': The value provided (-1) is negative.c.extend.attr @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1b.extend.access @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1c.fn.extend.attr @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1(anonymous function) @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4b.extend.each @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1Z @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4(anonymous function) @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4b.extend.each @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1b.fn.b.each @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1d.fn.dateinput @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4XenForo.DatePicker @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:7$.extend.create @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4(anonymous function) @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:7b.extend.each @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1b.fn.b.each @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1(anonymous function) @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4c.event.handle @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1h.handle.o @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1c.event.trigger @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1(anonymous function) @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1b.extend.each @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1b.fn.b.each @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1c.fn.extend.trigger @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1$.extend.activate @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4$.extend.init @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:4(anonymous function) @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:7b.extend.ready @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1u @ xenforo.min.js?_v=21d5099e&_sver=57278539:1
    gtm.js:68 Uncaught [object Object]h.error @ gtm.js:68x.W.onerror @ gtm.js:76
    conversionTracker.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: monitorConversion is not defined(anonymous function) @ conversionTracker.js:1
    gtm.js:68 Uncaught [object Object]

    A lot of text there... if you would rather a screenshot/need any other info then let me know. Cheers!
    607 likes this.
  20. I really don't know how to help, as I have never experienced this problem. Try re-connecting the keyboard, or shutting of your computer. That's all I can really say..
    SoulPunisher likes this.