[Forum Game] From End to Beginning

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Unoski, Jan 11, 2016.


Think we can do it?

Heck yeah! 47 vote(s) 77.0%
Heck no! 14 vote(s) 23.0%
  1. My phone :p
  2. I'm posting here too much but...
    Worship Satan
    607 likes this.
  3. iRe#uf☃❄rafto€

  4. iRe#uf☃❄rafto€֍

    We did it!
    Dufne and 607 like this.
  5. iR e#uf☃❄rafto€֍

    (the new thing is the space :p)

    Yay we've ruined the whole thing :p

    And yay, more empty rectangles, or rectangles with a question mark :p
  6. You can't post with only one person between your posts, you need a minimum of two.

    607, StoneSky and TomvanWijnen like this.
  7. iRe#*f☃❄rafto€֍
    Well done my sabotaging peoples
  8. Test
    Edit: wow. I thought there was something up with my internet at first, then EMC, but I know it now: I found a character that is apparently not allowed. I have written a new version of the word, with a certain character in it, but when I click "Post Reply" or "Save Changes" it tells me a server error has occurred...
    interesting :p
    Edit 2:

    Make it this, then: iRe#*☺☃❄rafto€֍
  9. ;n;

    Shall I sabotage myself?
  10. iR&#*☺☃❄raf^o€֍
    Mission to not have any letters in it?
    Dufne likes this.
  11. I knew I should've reread the rules :p thanks for telling me :)

    Okay then :p

    TotoStyle likes this.
  12. piR&#*☺☃❄r@f^o€֍
  13. piR&♤#*☺☃❄r@f^o€֍
    607 likes this.
  14. ΞpiR&♤#*☺☃❄r@f^o€֍

    Ι φανcι μισελφ σομε Γρεεκ :Π

    (try to bring that to English, please :p)
  15. Ξpire♤#*☺☃❄r@f^o€֍
    Dufne likes this.
  16. Ξpire♤#*☺☃❄r@f^#€֍
  17. Ξp1re♤#*☺☃❄r@f^#€֍
  18. Ξp1re♤#*☺☃❄r@f^#€֍™
  19. ΞΩ1re♤#*☺☃❄r@f^#€֍™

    ΕΔΙΤ¨ Ι αψτθαλλυ λοωε τηε φαψτ τηατ, oh, whait, I was still typing Greek, Let's do it over:
    Edit: I actually like the fact that it is a comany name *wonders what that compeny whould do* because it ends with tm-thing :p
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  20. ΞΩ1;e♤#*☺☃❄r@f^#€֍™