[Forum Game] From End to Beginning

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Unoski, Jan 11, 2016.


Think we can do it?

Heck yeah! 47 vote(s) 77.0%
Heck no! 14 vote(s) 23.0%
  1. XEmpiredufneraft
    Remove, keep
  2. XEmpiredupneraft

    Remove, keep
  3. Xmpiredupneraft
    Builder, stop ninja'ing me xD
    fBuilderS likes this.
  4. Xmpiredufneraft

    Remove, keep
  5. Xmpiredfneraft
    607 likes this.
  6. Xmpired❄fneraft
  7. Xmpiredufneraft
    Remove, keep

    Grrr you sabotaging people...
  8. Xmpire#ufneraft
  9. Xmpire#ufnerafto

    607 likes this.
  10. Xmire#ufnerafto

    We're going to make it into a wholly different word :p
  11. Xmire#_fnerafto

    This is why you shouldn't pick your own name :p
  12. Xmire#ufnerafto
    Destroy, keep, replace with d
  13. Xire#ufnerafto
    I'm posting so much here recently :p
  14. Xire#uf☃erafto
  15. Uh? I think you changed two things, there.
  16. I put it in one space too far on the right ;) Fixed
    607 likes this.
  17. Ire#uf☃erafto
  18. Ire#ufrafto
    Let it snow!
  19. Ire#uf☃❄rafto€

    Loving the box with the question mark in it :p
    EDIT: and from now on it's an empty box :p
    607 likes this.
  20. Haha, what device do you use, then?