The Struggle is Real

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Unoski, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. [plain]>:D[/plain]
    AyanamiKun and haastregt like this.
  2. I see what you did there...


    But how did I do this? :O

  3. [plain][plain][plain]>:D[/plain][/plain][/plain]

    Do you know how I did this!?/!?!11!?1//
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  4. No.
  5. I prefer my method, as [PLAIN] tends to mess things up in the long run.
  6. So you can >:)(and then something magic which I dont understand)

    or just plain [PLAIN]>:D[/PLAIN]
    (oh I am so punny >:D)
    Patr1cV likes this.
  7. Random spaces are always fun. :p (look at the page thingys)
    607 likes this.
  8. Day 2 of the struggle:
    Me: Good morning everybody.
    Other: Hi John Cena.
    Somebody else: ABNU ABNUUUUU
    Me: ot oh
    HelloKittyRo has left the game.
    HelloKittyRo has joined. Last seen a moment ago.
    Me: You guys made me time out from your john cenaness.
    Other: JOHN CENA
    Other: FTW
    Other: Mom or Juan Cena
    Other: Just cena.
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  9. Perhaps you just need to figure out what that means.
  10. When you wait until the TPS is at a certain number to part like it's
    Gawadrolt, Kytula and Rhythmicaly like this.
  11. When you're lost in the frontier or wastelands as a new player and you don't know any chat commands but you gotta get somebody's attention somehow.
  12. I actually see him online right now...

    The struggle really is real.....
    ObscureGolem likes this.
  13. When it looks like you are talking to yourself.
  14. lol, I should've told him to PM me :p
    StoneSky likes this.
  15. What you need to do to move villagers to a different res if pushing over the roads doesn't work:

  16. I answered two questions with the same answer...

    Does that work?
    StoneSky and tuqueque like this.
  17. In cases like that, I first mess up, then say ".", and then the same thing again :p I really think the filter is way too aggressive... :/
  18. For a few hours/minutes... When I relogged in the morning, they teleported back >.<
    AyanamiKun, Sgt_Pepper4 and UltiPig like this.