I'll never change my Minecraft name, unless I'm forced to or am rewarded something I'd really like if I do.
My first name was Doggie45. Then I changed it to WitherDoggie. After losing a bet, I became FluffyWitherDog for a month. My current name will stay for as long as I play Minecraft.
I was at first CutieCookie4Lyfe, months later changed it to KawaiiiCutie but then 1 month later changed it to ChloeDeBae and then recently changed to ItsMeMilly
My first username was HannahBillington the it changed to HannahBB_710 now to HannahEB. I'm thinking about changing it again soon - suggestions are much appreciated
Always been the same on minecraft but over the years it has evolved. Rockeratv was my first ever. Jak0b, klyph, klyphwak, gawadroit, gawasdrito, gawadrita, gawadrolt, noobupset, prodigalnoob. Almost forgot xerianna and innana on female alts
I've tried username generators and everything. I kinda want something without my name in now, but I'm not very good with these kind of things xD