Happy Thanksgiving! Misc Updates - 11/24/15

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. Since you can no longer see names through walls, they're now insanely hard to find. I've had 6 spawn on me so far, and the only one I've found is one that someone gave up on. >_>
    Dufne, iNachos10, PenguinDJ and 3 others like this.
  2. I've killed 2 now, total of 5 spawned on me, but couldn't find them. The 2nd one I chopped was in the nether, in the middle of a lava pool, that someone had given up on. ._.
  3. Agreed. I had one spawn an hour ago. Went looking for it. Found a few eggs, heard it but never saw it once. And from where I heard it, it could only be in one place but it wasn't.

    Also seem to remember last year the chests would spawn a bit more frequently. I've yet to see one pop this year and I've done some running round to try and trigger one :p
  4. Found 2 of the chests already :p

    Note that the message for the chest will not pop up in the middle of your screen, only in chat , so you should pay attention to that
  5. This will sound odd, but it almost seems like he's invisible. I mean I can hear him walking around. I can hear him clucking. He's dropping eggs.. but nothing. And like I said it's in a place where he could only be in a few certain placed. I just don't know lol

    And about the message, ya I haven't gotten one of those at all. Nothing in chat nothing on screen.
    607 likes this.
  6. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, and a holly, jolly, Christmas. :)
    ThaKloned likes this.
  7. Finally found my first turkey.
    I'm 1 for 9 in finding them, and they are way to hard to find to be considered "fun". :l
    Dufne, PenguinDJ and ThaKloned like this.
  8. I completely agree with what's been said above. These things are way too hard to find. I've gotten four to spawn and have only found one. I've looked for one for over an hour with no luck. A 512x512 area for them to spawn in is just way too high. It only takes a few minutes to kill, but you're spending hours looking for the thing... not fun at all.
    Rhythmically, iNachos10 and ThaKloned like this.
  9. So far I've seen the messages for three Great Feasts and I've found two of them, the third wasn't at the coords but I'm willing to concede that I may just be an idiot there.

    So far seen three Gobble, Gobbles and only found one of the turkeys. Given the fact that the distance to see them through blocks is small to zero, I decided to go to a place where I figured it'd be the easiest to see them and that's where I found my first one. The second one I haven't found though.

    Where I'm at is in the Frontier but I imagine finding them in the Nether would be easier since there's less blocks for them to land on, would just need some netherpearls.

    I just want to mention that the two times I can remember doing events like this, last years Thanksgiving and during the Blizz Ard events, it started out hard and then Aikar made it progressively easier as the event went on. He may or may not do this again but I know they aren't out to make this a bad experience for people but there is a certain challenge to this and I think everyone should embrace it and try and have fun with it.
  10. Too soon for that. Not even December.
  11. Hopefully it's last longer then just the weekend.
  12. ♫ Chestnuts roasting by an open fiiiiiiiiiire...
  13. You sure? Christmas is only 28 days away,
    a lot sooner than you think. Nope, never too soon for Christmas carols. ;)
    You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen,
    you know Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen, But do you recall
    The most famous reindeer of all.
    ChickenDice likes this.
  14. Only time I wanna see those names is in a promo collection :p
    iNachos10, PenguinDJ and ChickenDice like this.
  15. Great event!

    But one thing.. I now had three times "gobble Gobble " . But cant find the turkey.. Nowhere. Not even underground
    iNachos10, PenguinDJ and Rhythmically like this.
  16. Aikar, plz fix. >_>
    Dufne, iNachos10 and PenguinDJ like this.
  17. Personally, I think the turkey spawns should be similar to the chest spawns in which the super turkey spawns also give relative coords (including y, the height level).

    Anyways, thanks for the awesome update as always! Happy Thanksgiving to anyone and everyone who celebrates it. :)

    EDIT: Another solution that would solve the problem is making them spawn above ground only. I remember back when Marlixes could spawn anywhere so the odds of finding one were slim. As soon as the update that made them spawn only above ground went out, I never lost one/couldn't find one that spawned on me.
  18. Well, how would that work if they spawned in the nether?
    Dufne likes this.
  19. Happened to me 4 times as well. Hope this gets adjusted somewhat. It kind of burns you out when you can't find 4 of them:(
    iNachos10, PenguinDJ and ThaKloned like this.
  20. Yeah, I've been having issues too. Only found 1 of the 8 turkeys that I got the message for. I'm having an easier time finding turkeys left from other people.
    ShelLuser and PenguinDJ like this.