Do you really think she's trying to make fun of it? You don't know her very well, do you? Edit: I'm sorry, that might've sounded a bit provoking, but I really don't get how you could think such a thing.
I kind of agree with you now. I'm going to quote a few things I put in a private convo I'm apart of: To support what Final/Cata stated:
If you read what she said over a few times you'll get what he's saying. I found it very offensive when I read it and it was completely un-called for.
Yeah, to me it also seemed un-called for. It probably crossed her mind because there have been multiple people in this community that have tried to commit suicide, and after it crossed her mind she felt like she needed to say something about it. That's what I think happened.
Not what I expected to come home to after a night off with family... So let's get started. To begin, I'm not going to quote anybody's threads. This reply should be taken as a general statement and not a direct discussion towards any one person. I'll separate the topics out so if you only care about a certain thing, feel free to ignore the rest. It's gonna be a tad long. Bans on UHC -Number of people reported for hacks: 5+ -Number of people with evidence attained by a staff member: 2 -Number of people banned: 2 -We never ban a player for illegal mods without STAFF attained evidence. For hacking, this evidence can include videos and/or chat admitting to it from the player. I've received my fair share of people claiming another was hacking on UHC, to which we respond that Staff will investigate furtherand we thank them for their report. We NEVER take immediate action on player evidence. Wrongful Mutes/Bans By Staff -I cannot stress this enough. If you have a problem with the way a staff member handles a situation, then PLEASE PM ME so I can talk/retrain that individual. If you don't report it, I may not see it when I'm doing a general staff action review because staff take a lot of actions and going through every single bit of chat would take a long time. Public threads are not the place to call out staff on actions that haven't even been reported to me yet. -Staff know that I review actions and many of them have received that message from me with a link to a report and notes on how their actions were slightly off and how they should be corrected in the future. My point is: Staff are humans, except SYSTEM (it's just crazy), and sometimes humans make mistakes. It's not the end of the world if they make a mistake is the point. I just want to make sure that they learn from them so that they do not make that same mistake again. -Staff have a lot of training in a very pretty guide for them so they do receive a lot of training on handling situations. However, it may not cover each and every conversation they may have on EMC. Firstly, because it's impossible. Secondly, the guide is already long enough and I don't want them struggling to find info. I think it's up to 20+ posts or something. Staff Opinion Posts on Forums -At the end of the day, each Staff member was chosen for a reason. They aren't all adults as some people believe. We have people under 18 on the team and they do just as well as the ones 30+. It doesn't take age to be a moderator, it takes heart, logic, and a level-head (most of the time). It's true that some Staff may get a bit more defensive than others and I'll lump myself right in there with them. However, it comes back to the love of the community and wanting to defend our actions that we do because we love the Empire so very much. When you feel attacked, it's a flight or fight response. Another aspect of our human nature, I'm afraid. Staff try our best to maintain a level head, but when things get a bit heated, it's VERY easy to put up your dukes and fight back. The part that matters is that we maintain a level head when handling bans/mutes. In forum conversations, Staff can debate with the same tenacity as a regular player. No actions are taken and no bias is being held, so why the big fuss over how they respond to forum topics? As long as I am Community Manager, Staff should feel free to discuss their opinion on matters just as any other player can. It's not fair to take away that right/access to the community. The Community -It's true, the community has changed. We're bigger than we were in the past, we have more players, more smp's, real events on a constant basis, among other things. In many ways we are better than we were. It is up to the community to make the effort to include people in their EMC lives. Anytime that I am online, I see plenty of community interaction, but there is definitely a lack of day-to-day conversations. Maybe spending time on smp8 can help this some =P But in all reality, it's as I've said before in many threads. It comes down to the community to decide how they want the community to be. I'm a part of that community and I'll always try my best to hold a typical conversation with people when I get online, ask about their day, express condolences when they are feeling sick, etc. -The forums are different story. I think the fix to this is for everyone to re-read what they write before they type 'Post Reply'. It's easy to be blinded by our emotions when typing up a long-winded response to something. It's easy to type as fast as possible and not notice that what we say could be a bit more rude than the player really deserves. There are multiple ways to say everything. Remember that since we cannot hear the words being displayed on the screen in your voice, that we may not always know you meant it as a joke. When people have a bad day, the simplest of responses can come of as snarky and rude. When they respond with defense, it leads to arguments that get blown way out of proportion. Remember that opinions/beliefs cannot be proven right or wrong. If someone posts something about their opinions on something, evaluate if it's really necessary of your comment. I know a lot of players like to have their opinion down on every single post that is put up on the forums, but sometimes it takes a strong resolve to realize when it might be better to just go on to the next thread.
That green actually looks really good as Sub-Headers, going to have to use it some. Oh, I should probably read this.
Can you guys (the ones disagreeing and causing pointless arguments) just understand that the point of this thread is me sharing my thoughts on the flaws of the Empire. At the end of the day, we all know that we have flaws. Am I bashing on the staff? No. Am I bashing on the Empire? No. Really my intention is for us to just improve ourselves and make EMC flawless
I think this whole discussion needs too end because it's just building up and it's not helping it's spliting apart right in half the community one side and another.
Although her wording wasn't the best, she definitely wasn't intended to offend anyone. She was trying to offer a helping hand out to everyone going through a tough and difficult time. I do, however, think she could've worded it better. Example: Even if what she said could be interpreted in a different way than it's actually meaning, she left this safety net in place to explain what she really meant. Edit: We know you're just stating your thoughts and we're just stating ours. Discussion is healthy as long as it isn't hostile.
If YOU cannot make something perfect, then i would suggest changing the meaning of perfection in your own dictionary. It will make your life less stressful and more happy
These threads are usually toxic, because of the simple fact this community can't have a civil debate on anything any more.
Why do some people feel entitled to see other people chat logs? Juts mind your own business Now it's STORY TIME!! About a year ago I was banned for 1 day, This was because of a mix up in a wild base where someone had placed a chest near where me and some friends were building so I though that one of my friends had placed it there for us to use. After a day I was approached by staff and I realized my mistake. I offered to replace the goods that I used but I was still banned for a day because I had broken a rule (even if it was accidental). Now after I was banned, did I post a thread about how unfair it was? no. Did I say the system needs to be reformed? no. Instead I went outside and relaxed, because in the grand scheme of things a 1 day ban (or a 15 minute mute) is literally nothing. So instead of chanting for reform on fairly good system just chill out and eat a bagel.
Anyways, I'll come out and say I have been banned before. It was not a very bannable offense but it was a permanent ban. I appealed the ban and came back. Let's just stop criticizing each other until we can mature ourselves.