Zombie Invasion

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MrBigBux, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. This has to be the most elaborate event ever concocted by aikar and the staff, we have had access to the vaccine all along, and yet we were too ignorant to see!

    "T Virus Vaccine"

    Aikar knew it was going to happen, so he prepared, and waited until the most opportune moment, where he could effectively ruin the economy by forcing people to purchase an incredibly expensive vaccine
    penfoldex and Defluxer like this.
  2. Your right!
  3. Nope. From what I know, that distance coding is very hard to alter or impossible (this is old information though). If it was possible, we would see it used to combat lag.
    Edit: Nevermind. Resume complaining.
  4. You wrote names in the OP why? He was in no way cheating or hacking. BTW, people can /p to see if one is infected. So no, Defluxer did nothing wrong.
  5. Not sure why this is relevant, but we even have another server before it hits Stage. Stage is final testing.

    Staff overall discussed the idea yesterday and I coded it when I got home (Took about 2-3 hours).
    Range was intentional to make the infection spread quick...
    However, Y distance I set to 64 out of habit, 16 for X/Z. But I don't see the problem with that.

    The goal was to spread the plague, and that's what it does... Who's closer doesn't matter, its random of "who's 15 second pulse gets the nearby player first"

    And I'm sorry but there was no way to please everyone in this events timing. Having it all day is the best way.
    More players are logging in during the peek hours. There are plenty of chances to infect still.

    If someone beats you to someone else with infecting, that's not a problem with the event, they just fairly spread it quicker.

    I signed on with an alt and infected someone quickly unintentionally. If you put in effort, it's not hard.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  6. Why are players getting SO overworked of getting infected? It is a fun joke for April Fools Day, don't get so overworked over something that is suppose to be fun. :p There is no reason why you all have to be so serious if you get infected. So what, you are a zombie! Now you get to have fun and infect your friends, not get so mad and make a huge deal over it. :)
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  7. I understand why some people are getting upset.. but please understand, even though there is some testing, it was something that was thought up and discussed and made in a few hours. Even if EVERY STAFF member logged in to stage to test, it would not be near enough to catch every problem or every experience, because there are thousands of you guys :p. Another thing, this is for 1 day. Not a week, not forever. There is hardly a reason to make something and take away from a lot of time that could be spent on other things (like other more important EMC updates) instead of making a super clean, polished, perfectly planned zombie thing.. that lasts for 24 hours...

    If you feel like you missed out because of the time frame, I'm sorry. But if we designed it for you to enjoy on your time frame, people from Australia would have the same complaint D:. The only solution? Make it 12AM, the beginning of the day. Its fair, because it is the start of the 1st of April. I'm sorry you feel like you missed out. You may think it was poorly thought out, I would agree in saying that it is not the most polished experience anyone would ever find, but again.. its something we gave to you guys for fun, for a single day.
    pascal1881, NZScruffy, Pab10S and 2 others like this.
  8. To be honest, when I saw this thing this morning I was like, "So server wide tag?"
    The point is, April Fools is one holiday where there is always something fun to do, or something funny to watch like the Dragon attack in 2012 and the AlexChance take over last year. If I wanted to play infected, I'd go onto another server and play.

    I actually agree with BigBux mostly on this. It's fairly bad timing for lots of people, to try to get to be a part of the action.
  9. The fact on how you are complaining about being infected but you were going to "boost" your /infections with your alts makes this even funnier. :p
    kevdudeman and jkjkjk182 like this.
  10. Why would I not complain that my infect kill was stolen from me immediately upon logging in? Defluxer doesn't own Replete_Spectrum, I do. So of course I am upset that I lost a free opportunity to infect my alt so I can get my score a little higher.

    What I was trying to accomplish with this post was that putting a major event on a weekday is a bad move for everyone. Kids go to school and adults go to work. We don't get home until the evening. There are people who don't have to work or go to school (For whatever reason) and these people get an unfair advantage. I am not sure if people read my post thoroughly or just dismissed all the details once they convinced themselves that I posted this as nothing more than a rage at Defluxer. I am not mad at all that Defluxer is at the top of the infection list, I even congratulate him on this. However, I think that in future events, things that I have talked about should be taken into more careful consideration and not just thrown together in 2-3 hours. I am grateful that EMC was thoughtful enough to give us something special for April Fools day. I just cannot enjoy the event to its fullest due to the reasons I listed above, so I came here to list my complaint.

    Thanks for posting the range of the infection. Those numbers are a bit much don't you think though? 16 blocks is a long way and 64 is huge. I think this was made too hard to play with the infection turned on and not get infected.

    I also want to thank ISMOOCH for what you said, but I just think that when things are rushed, there are always flaws. I feel this event could have been planned long before April 1 and coded and tested to give us a clean and polished event by today.

    I am sorry if I got on anyone's nerves. I only really asked for opinions and if others had experienced the same things I have.


    EDIT: I forgot to mention this. Aikar, I did not say that having this event all day was a bad thing. I was saying that no matter how much time we had to play on EMC, everyone should have had a fair opportunity to infect helpless players with the zombie virus. Having the event all day is a good idea. If it were to be only for a few hours though and it started out like every other large event, it might have been better (Not sure though).
  11. It doesn't MATTER, why are you getting overworked? It is suppose to be a little fun plugin for today, but people like you who are complaining will stop encouraging Aikar to actually take time to make a fun plugin for players to infect there friends. People like you are complaining because you didn't get your little "three infections". It is a game. This is minecraft. You don't have to be so stressed over something silly. :p
  12. Well I thought it was brilliant! :)

    Seriously, Aikar's real busy with and endless stream of great updates. To knock out such a cool, simple, original 1-day event like this in such a short time is just cool. :)

    I personally missed it for the most part, due to outside influences beyond my control. But I did log in to find myself a villager. lol Then get infected and become a zombie! Hilarious! But omg, that villager talk gets so annoying. :)

    I know 1 day isn't much time, but that is the nature of April 1st. for just an instant, things are not as they should be. Take from it what you will.
    AlexChance and jkjkjk182 like this.
  13. I understand this is a game. I just wanted to state that is event was unfair in more ways than one. I also wanted to just say that staff should put more thought and time into projects so that we can get the best event possible. I am only overworked because I am a strong believer in what is fair and right. If something is unfair or unjustified, I will do everything in my power to change that. People now a days always have something they dont like, but then dont do anything to actually change it. At least I take a stand and voice my problems so that people will actually know what is wrong and fix it. :)
  14. I agree with you this event, had it planned before March 31 ~7 pm, probably would have been more polished than it is today. Though, like I said in my post, this was not meant in its heart to have any real purpose.. it was MEANT to be something just random.. and fun. Our dev team really does not have the time to pull aside extra hours for this event that lasts 24 hours, when there are things being worked on that will last a lifetime. Do you think that Mojang put a lot of thought into their villagers that say crazy things when they walk around? You may think they did, however, if you have more than 2 people standing around, its honestly the most annoying addition I have ever seen. This was for fun.. not for competition or sport. I am the one who made the suggestion that we count infected, which I made last night, during the discussion of the event, only for the reason to add numbers, because numbers rock. It was not meant when I suggested it to be really a competition, its a fun boastable number I guess, though, I would count being on and experiencing something with people just as much as being a part of it, as being someone that infects everyone. Its about the fun, not about chieves. We have taken a few moments every year at this time to always just give something fun. I'm sorry that you think you missed the event, because you did not get to infect as many people as player b. I would personally find it fun to just be a part of it at all, seeing people enjoy a day, because there was a small fleeting change that will be gone in just a few hours.
    NZScruffy and jkjkjk182 like this.
  15. "whaa whaaa things aren't going my way whaaa"

    as far as i know this event does nothing, why are people whining about it
    NZScruffy and jkjkjk182 like this.
  16. They actually borrowed it from a YouTube group. :p
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  17. I think that there should be a type of safe period for those who logged for first time today, so they can find a way to hide.
    And I thought that it was like pvp fight with dat zombies to get infected.
    I was infected in 2 seconds without even seeing the guy who infected me.
    Please, can we redo this sometime? I had no idea HOW to get infected,
    And I CAME ON LATE!! That meant I was alone and basically nobody online who isn't infected.
    If I got on my horse I could've made a pretty good run.
  18. Discovered: Zombie Viruses cause infection
  19. Because it's just a 1-day small event, for fun. You cannot 'steal' an 'infect kill' :) All is fair game. If you wish to be over-competitive with it, that is your choice. This small 1-day event is not worth spending weeks/months of development time on.
    We don't decide when April 1st is, or how long April 1st is. You want to complain about that, well... I have no idea who you go to to change the world wide calendar or measure of time, do you? Everyone has the same amount of time, everyone is equal. If you don't have the time to spend that you want to on EMC, that is something you have to deal with, or change, it's not EMC's responsibility to run your life.
    Oh, lots of things were taken into consideration, most of what you said, and a lot more. Lots of things we'd love to have done were just not possible within the time frame that was thought reasonable to spend on this 1-day event.
    If this was an ongoing major event, it would be worth spending more time on to make it WAY better.
    However, this wasn't a 'major' event. :) It was a quick little unpolished fun surprise. That you should not be taking so seriously. You're way to focused on it. You've probably spent more time posting in this thread than gaming today?
    With only 1-day, it seemed like a good idea to have a wide range on this. So infections happened quickly, and it spreads quickly, so everyone gets to enjoy the madness. :)
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  20. But it should be a bit... Fair for those who do not want to be caught.