Why Is SMP7 So Much More Active Than The Others?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TuckerAmbr, Oct 29, 2018.

  1. Wow, you might want to be a bit more sensitive to others feelings. Not sure that was necessary.
    top_benny likes this.
  2. Expected more of you 607 then to resort to name calling. Shame Shame on you.
    top_benny likes this.
  3. shhh... I'm not here
  4. Just in case you're not an alt of TuckerAmbr: I'm not calling him names. I'm answering his question:
    FadedMartian likes this.
  5. Well since you put it that way it's all good. Who could be mad at you for long anyway. You're so adorable. And yes I am an alt.
    top_benny and BrickStrike like this.
  6. I am so confused with the direction this thread has taken, so let me be one to put it back on track. SMP popularity changes over time. As others have stated, there have been times of great strength for many of the SMPs in the past, such as SMP1, 2, 6, and 8 (that I can remember off the top of my head). When an smp community grows and has active people online, people migrate there naturally, while others may distinctly choose to avoid it or want to create something to match it. When the group that was extremely active (SMP8) becomes less active, while the other group(SMP7) remains active, now you have a shift in SMP activity. This is what happened this last round at least and has happened multiple times in EMC's long history.

    Contrary to what eviltoade has said, we do NOT want to only focus our efforts towards the active SMPs and we DO want to encourage growth across all of the Empire. So if you feel like your home SMP is left out of the events schedule, please shoot me a message and I'll see about the frequency we host there or maybe even coming up with something new, just to mix things up.;)
  7. I am very adept at confusing a thread.
    Gawadrolt and Krysyy like this.
  8. I was just pointing out in my post that I've been on 7 for a while and not because of the latest trend.
  9. To clarify my earlier post, I'm definitely not trying to single out any particular smp. If yall remember, I did something similar on smp4 not that long ago, and my hope is to extend this idea to other servers to get to know players across EMC even more.

    The Empire JD and I started is on smp7 sure, but it is my understanding that players will be able to be part of multiple Empires on different smps - so eventually the plan is to start one on each if possible. This is just a dry run.

    Anyhow, hope that cleared some things up! Yall know me, I would never leave anyone out of anything! :D lol
  10. I am only on 7 for my farms amd outpost... Otherwise #Longlive8
    khixan and AncientTower like this.
  11. I can tell you when I joined EMC I went to smp7 because my husband and twins were there and there were no staff members at all. Now that we have staff members who started on smp7 we have more activity but I have logged in in the last 6 months to find myself being the only person on.
  12. SMP1 FTW!!!!!!!
    dylan_frenette and BrickStrike like this.
  13. SMP1! SMP1! SMP1! WOOOH!!!

    lol. I remember when 1 used to be full of people. Now, it's lucky if 10 people are on. Then again, part of it is time zones so I might just be missing everyone by a few hours >.>

    As for me, I'm becoming more of a nomad as time progresses hehe. My alts are starting to set up on different smps for different purposes. I've even joined True Haven on SMP7 to be more involved in the community :)
    1 is OG and cool, but each SMP has it's own little thing :p
    Sazukemono, Equinox_Boss, 607 and 2 others like this.
  14. I joined EMC in 2014 and chose smp7 because there were friendly players on during my time zone. (US Pacific) At the time it wasn't any more active than the other smps.

    I think smp7 grew over the years because it was so welcoming for new players. Players like Robobozo set a great example of how to do this. Invite others to go mining, to hunt mobs, to build bases. Be social and helpful without being bossy.

    Maybe we need a cross smp group finder? What if I could send a global invite to go mining to all smps? That could help that players who are online across smps find each other.
  15. o.o would love this so much

    A LFG (looking for group) or LFM (looking for more) system has been discussed in the past - would serve so many purposes if it became reality...
  16. At one time, like almost 6 years ago all 9 servers were packed to the rafters and then some with players, 1 chat channel that was fun text flue past quicker than you could read it, things have changed over that time and popularity of each server as players move through life and become busier in real life.

    There is noting wrong in visiting other servers for a while, my main home on emc is smp6 but I am spending some time on smp8 expanding and developing one of my old/original bases
  17. smp7 is my love child as any smp7 go-er knows. I have always chased down the new people. I am not making any claim to the popularity of smp7. the most recent addition of people that frequent smp7 has definitely been because of tbird and cubefragments contributions to the smp7 community and infrastructure.

    JD is a huge asset to smp7 but it has nothing to do with that he is staff, in fact I think JD has less to do with smp7's popularity since he has become SS and has spent more time on stage or not on EMC at all. there are other smps that have staff interaction way more than smp7 does... staff can run away people as much as they can attract them, like any member of emc. The hogwarts thing didn't bring people to smp7 other than as tourists. It's still really neat.

    I have guided people to use town chat instead of group chat on smp7 MANY MANY times over the course of my being on EMC. not to spam chat but to be inclusive. When new players see chat scrolling, that there is conversation and activity, they are more likely to stick around and not feel they are on an abandoned server.

    You know what is really interesting about smp7 though? I go to different smps to buy almost anything. there are very few shops and malls, and +bird has a ton of useful things but smp7 is by no means an economic powerhouse.

    I think though, like any of the other smps that its just a cycle. q is coming back and probably other smp8 veterans will because there will be content there, even if its just chatting with q. maybe smp8 will be the more popular smp over the holidays *shrugs*
  18. I was just talking about this today with some people that had returned to emc after a while. I don't think that this is really a great way to address that EMC, with minecraft, is going to have a dwindling population. all the smps are just simply not going to be populated or used as much as some others. There just aren't enough people. Most games end up condensing servers when this kind of thing happens but I am not sure how EMC COULD deal with a declining active member population. Having 10 smps will just make it worse if they aren't connected in some way.

    OF course, in about a month no one is going to notice/pay attention to this reality of minecraft/emc because numbers will be inflated again and everyone will be all like, no problem there is more people...

    Having just one htwon this year I think kept it from being a complete flop with new players, so that was definitely good :D you can't have fewer smps though with the way the frontier works as it is.
    607 and SkeleTin007 like this.
  19. You rang!?!?

    I’m just to cool everyone just wants to hang with the Illager
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  20. With regards to the dwindling player count this time of year, it's the way it's always been; player activity peaks in summer and winter when there's no school, as a fair majority of the player base is still in school of some kind.
    That being said, there is still a definite decline as minecraft becomes less of a popular game

    I think part of SMP2's peak was when 3004 was an economic powerhouse ;)
    Krysyy likes this.