Whats with these massive ad's?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by jewel_king, Apr 11, 2019.

  1. Unfortunately (seriously) there's much more to this than that...

    Adblockers also help to keep your PC clean from virusses.

    A bold but proven statement. You may trust a website owner not to do wrong to their visitors (Aikar honestly has a good amount of trust with me). But the problem is that it's not Aikar but $company who decides what ads are going to be shown on the website. In fact: $company is hosting ads on many websites which makes them a very lucrative target for $bad_people who hope to infect dozens of gullible surfers by merely hacking into 1 single web source. Hacks that have been done before.

    And this is happening all over the place. I will even go so far as to state that in some cases issues like these have been left out of the news reports. Because "other news" was more important.

    You may trust the websites owner, but they don't control what ads are being displayed on their website, and those ads can very easily cause problems for your computer, especially if they have been infected. In my opinion it's not worth the risk.

    Wanna help? Become a supporter. Iron is cool too! (oh my word, that gave me an incredible idea!).

    .. to be continued :)
    FadedMartian likes this.
  2. Nope.

    If you have saved your username/password using your browser, sure. But not everyone does that (myself included).

    Because these days even browsers will very happily store of all that info on the cloud to make your life "easier". Now think what would happen if someone hacked that resource ;)

    I know that this info should be stored in an encrypted way. But then again, that's what Sony said too, and we all know what happened next :)
    607 likes this.
  3. I just use an adblocker. I dont like it when advertisments give my PC bad things. Also makes page loading faster and less cluttered in some cases. The ads on the mobile version of the forums are horrible. They make the site hard to use in some cases.
    ShelLuser and FadedMartian like this.
  4. Yeah. I hate wiping everything. What I meant as a first step was click the lock icon, see the list of cookies from the emc forum, then delete those. Or if someone really wanted to be selective they could just delete the cookie from "googleadservices" and go from there.
    HazardousCode, 607 and ShelLuser like this.
  5. You could try it for a month or two if you'd like. :) It will probably make your life harder, but maybe it's worth it. And otherwise you can just get it again, and probably enjoy it more.
  6. "maybe it's worth it" could you elaborate? :p

    As someone who mostly browses EMC on their phone, I can wholeheartedly agree with this, unfortunately. :p
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  7. No. :p
  8. Okay. :p Then I don't think I'll ever switch to "your side". :)
    607 likes this.
  9. Ahh, yes, this is what the forum looks like with ads on your phone. :)

    Look at the magnificence!

    It's so beautiful! :D

    Simply fabulous!

    Gotta love ads, right?! :D

    Oh, and while we're at it, let's admire the beautiful Cookie Policy button from a little closer up. :D

  10. Also have some art to share, even though as a supporter I'm supposed to be getting less it still plasters itself over buttons on mobile.
  11. Exactly. And even if it doesn't visually take possession of those buttons, the buttons still cannot be clicked for some reason. >.<
    AltPunisher, 607 and PetezzaDawg like this.
  12. I actually had to get an ad blocker for my phone a while back, because I was almost constantly redirected to one of those "You've been selected to win a prize" pages. :confused: It got to the point that it was nearly impossible to post anything, as I nearly always access the forums from my phone. It would take three tries just to respond to a profile post! :eek:

    (Not to mention I was getting ads that were along the lines of "Date hot moms in your area"...)
    KatydidBuild and PetezzaDawg like this.
  13. Some adds are just words that are links you can click that showed up on the thread somewhere, they get really weird. I'll post later if I find some.
  14. i have had it for years.. it has made my life better :)
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  15. A few weeks ago I was going to give in and remove my cookies for EMC, but then I remembered this post:
    So I decided to wait. However, it's now been a month... so I might do this soon.
  16. You must really love cookies.
    607 and OriginalScuf like this.
  17. For some reason, when I was a supporter, I didn't recieve "less" site ads. I continued getting the same amount. Isn't that a perk of being a supporter?
  18. I feel unclean. Even screenshots of browsers sans adblock make me want to run a malware scan. Speaking of:
    This is either a malware (ad)d-on or a browser setting. Either way, you should be able to track down and disable the source - it's something installed on your end and not related to EMC.
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  19. That's true, unless he means these.

    But I have had the malware you're talking about.
    HazardousCode likes this.