What sort of token-age you lookin' at?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Johnsface101, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. - and no avalauncher.
    I'm a machine-maker and shipbuilder; whatever tokens I have came from mobs that tried attacking me first. I rarely hunt, and my attempted enraged mob farm ended up becoming the most dangerous area to be in the Industry...
    dresden72 and Johnsface101 like this.
  2. here is an update of my tokenage:

    I think enraged spawn on slabs.... so seems like it should be easy enough to make a spawn room? =P my tokens are all from mobs hunting me...and blizz ards
  3. 30,000k r
    1k t
    Had 400kr+ then won an auction at 400k...
  4. What are tokens?

    Also, what are rupees?

    How does one XP?
  5. I have like 15,000 on this acc and 200,000r on my alt which I use for savings. Not much but eh.
  6. Tokens are things that are like moneys but not moneys.
    Rupees are moneys.
    One XPs by killing things.

    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  7. I have 11,204 Tokens, would have had more if I didn't buy the Avalauncher.
  8. You don't vote either, then :(
  9. How can you tell from that picture?
  10. He told how he got the tokens :p Besides, else he would have like 50k tokens.
  11. oh.. I was just looking at picture, looking for "Vote streak 0" somewhere haha
  12. Screenshot (5).png
    Revealed for the first time...only cause Samsimx posted stats!
    Going on a well deserved vacation for a few days. cya :)
    PineappleGem and dresden72 like this.
  13. All of my tokens are from voting. You can see how much I vote :p
    ShelLuser and PineappleGem like this.
  14. O...M...G...

    Johnsface101 and FDNY21 like this.
  15. dresden72 likes this.
  16. We got our first picture of over 100k tokens!(and over 200k...and over 300k......show off...)
    dresden72, 607 and FDNY21 like this.
  17. I've made progress since monday....anyone else?:

  18. this is fake btw
    607 and TigerstarMC like this.
  19. EMC-Ultimamaxx_12-21-2014.JPG
    hmmm, I sense some shady business... lol
    607 likes this.
  20. In a week you made over 100k tokens? o.0