The Last Jedi was the biggest mess I can think of. I would rather sit down and watch the entirety of The Phantom Menace, and that’s saying something.
after so many years of film watching, as someone said, you end up with only a bunch of good ones, and many many many bad ones, to various degree, from purely ridiculous to really boring, meanly shocking, outrageous, missing their point, useless, etc. Some are really weird, especially in Japan where creativity sometimes melts into pure narrative chaos. Here are some unbridled products of japanese... creativity : bigman Japan : just weird. funky forest (and sequel the warped forest -not on youtube-) : it's on youtube, full version. extremely weird. symbol : weirder than funky forest, if possible. tetsuo the iron man : weirder than symbol, in its own way.
I know that this is all an opinion, but it's based on my own personal experience. I saw "The Secret Life of Pets" after it came out for rent on Netflix. I was bored for a majority of the movie. I remember looking at the clock, repeatedly, while the movie was playing. The plot felt like it took too long to "build up" in order to get to the conflict. When it did, there was nearly 5 minutes left in the movie (an exaggeration, but the conflict really didn't happen until about 85-90% of the movie was over). I... really wish I didn't watch that movie. To be honest, that movie beat "The Minions Movie" by just a bit. (Surprisingly, while I nearly felt the same about The Minions Movie, not once did I get up and look at the clock.)
I liked The Minions! It wasn't very memorable, but it was funny. I guess my experience was greatly enhanced by watching it in theatre and being with my younger brother.
I saw it in theaters too, and while it was okay for the first 10 minutes, the humor was quite predictable and wore thin for the rest of the movie. I was, however, glad to see Gru at the very end of the movie. Either that or I was glad it was over, haha~