Welcome JDHallows to the Developer Team!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Aikar, Jun 30, 2018.

  1. conratzs jd
    luckycordel likes this.
  2. Thanks everyone! :D I'm really looking forward to being involved with the dev team and working to get some new features and bugs fixed on EMC!

    Yup! Nothing is changing there, I'm still a part of the events team and I'm still going to be hanging out and doing events stuff ;)

    Haha, this time around there won't be any color changing though ;) Same as chicken, I'll be keeping my minty green color :p

    #DoingAllTheThings #RainbowRank
  3. Congratulations JD! Woo, more dev's in action, this is great! :D
  4. First Saz, then JD?

    And big congrats to the new blue-disguised-in-mint. The Dev team is getting big!
  5. Congrats JD!! Have fun! I know you'll be FANTASTIC!! :):cool::D
  6. Congratulations JD, movin on up! Now we know what the "D" stands for
  7. Congratulations, JD! Best of luck!