We need more (good) mods

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Herbrin3, May 6, 2012.

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  1. Your chances just lowered to 1%, congratulations.

    And we could call them Junior Moderators?
  2. Maybe all members who have been on emc for 200 days could obtain this status
  3. Just because someone has been here awhile doesn't mean they should be trusted.
  4. Good point
  5. I didn't mean it to sound like it's not appreciated. I was simply stating to Squizzle that he actually is on and moderating.
  6. Some of this stuff sounds a lot familiar to my job.. and I'm just a lifeguard/receptionist.. Gotta love the town I work in xD Maybe not quite to the extent you have mentioned but I do deal with a lot of dirty, rude people, and surprisingly the women are the worst. I got threatened just a couple of weeks back that I was going to be stabbed, fun fun.
  7. It's like painting leaves that have already fallen off the tre and painting and gluing them back on.
    Wall Of :)s:
  8. SMP5 is pretty much free of that. Maybe that's why I found it on Minestatus and not the other SMP's
  9. the thing is all mods hang on the same server.
  10. I remember that thread. At the time I was like, "what's the big deal?" (not that I ever used caps myself partly because I never used chat myself) And in a way I still feel that way, but the community has entrusted me through Jeremy to enforce their directives, so I do what the job requires. :D
    AlexChance likes this.
  11. Most real world police forces call them "civilian patrol" or similar names. Not that I'm supporting this idea, just telling you what a lot of police forces call them.
    AlexChance likes this.
  12. Yeah, when a project like /fun is underway they do.
  13. Also an easy way to find a mod is if they'er logged on to EMC, the go through the server lists and look
  14. We had that, they were called "Chat moderators" and could kick / ban for up to 1 day. There were only ever three of them, being Bob, The_Drifter92 and Me. This led to confusion (because we didn't have a special name color, and two of us were iron supporters) that people could buy moderator powers through supporter subscriptions. This was Dark_Liz's project, and it was stopped for a reason. In all honesty, if they can be trusted to kick, they can be trusted with full moderator powers.
  15. A good regex could catch the majority of broken chat rules with little to no false positives. You could even use the regex to simply not allow that single chat message to be broadcast, that way you are not adding the work of people disputing a temp ban... if it hits a false positive, rephrase and move on.
    If using PCRE and you would like help with the expression, I'd be glad to help, although with what you would want to block/filter I'm sure there are many already written for that purpose, floating around.
  16. I think what he's also trying to say is that there isn't nough moderators on different servers.
  17. I think I know what you're trying to say. This was also suggested in the thread I linked and it was denied because it would add way too much server lag - imagine being a robot and trying to keep track of 60 people chatting?
  18. And yet people expect us humans to be able to watch one- to six-hundred people all day, every day.
    Yukon1200, ISMOOCH and SecretAznEks like this.
  19. Gotcha, that's why I was thinking regex since PCRE is pretty dang fast at parsing large amounts of data with few cycles, but then again I have never implemented it in to such a large community.
    AlexChance likes this.
  20. But there's less than 30 of you.
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