Vote for our next PMC Banner!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jan 8, 2013.


Which of the PMC Banner Entries do you like best?

Poll closed Jan 11, 2013.
1. JackBiggin 87 vote(s) 31.5%
2. pidda 74 vote(s) 26.8%
3. wolves 115 vote(s) 41.7%
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  1. but, half the people said they voted for him because it was flashy, moved, and draw attention. lol because i'm sure half the people looked at the pictures, voted, and didn't read any further.

    lol, that made me laugh. :D, no offence to you or anything, you did a good job with making it animated, i don't know how to do that, well, i've never tried, but if gifs were allowed, then the entire thing of yours would be awesome. i just don't think the screen with the creeper says enough. lol
  2. I don't wanna argue or anything but mine has pretty much has all the info as jacks (except no pvp). His doesn't even mention the free 60x60 town plots
  3. Yours is very excellent and made very professionally, but I'd go with Jack's because yours, well, no offence in any way, so sorry if offended, but yours is very cliche of the average server advertisement. Plus, it's overwhelming, and you have to wait for each slide. With jack's, it's all nicely made, not crowded, and very up-forward, and comes out strong.
    battmeghs likes this.
  4. You don't have to wait for each slide. All the important information is visible the entire time. One could visit the website by simply clicking the banner

    CousinMosquito likes this.
  5. I still prefer Jack's in my opinion. It's a simplistic design. Yours is nice, believe me that it is, just my personal opinion goes with content not flash.
    battmeghs likes this.
  6. Well for reference Jack's looks exactly like the existing banner with different colors
  7. Which was intentional - why change something completely that just needs a bit of touching up?
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  8. Point taken
  9. jack's is also more level, the words are more spread out, and more evenly placed, they aren't crammed in the corner, yours has so much more room to spread the words out so it doesn't look so, quickly put together. i dunno, Jack's are just properly so it looks more stable, the colors match EMC more as what the server really is. which is another reason i like his a lot more.
  10. The text is meant to inform and not intrude
  11. is has better placed 'white space' then. :rolleyes:
  12. And no visual appeal :)
  13. which is incorrect, and rude for you to downgrade your opponent, that isn't very contest like for someone to do., i'm done with this, its so useless, good luck to you and jack. just don't let being on that high horse cause too many issues.
    Joshposh70 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. You're criticizing me, so I'm clarifying
  15. If PMC allows GIF's then use Wolves.

    However if it does not then use Jack's - the problem with Wolves is it's rendered at terrible quality (The background) and the creeper completely contradicts what EMC is about, a survival building without PvE/PvM

    Jack's also looks more professional and fits with EMC's colour scheme and branding.
    jkjkjk182 and battmeghs like this.
  16. I like wolves best, even if GIF's are not allowed. Jack's is nice but it is too similar to the current one and pidda's is just too busy.
  17. We want one that's similar to our current one really, It's clearly never failed to bring people in, plus it represents what EMC is about (Simplicity and professionalism)
  18. My inspiration for the banner was more of the wild and survival aspect. I wanted it to demonstrate that its a pure survival economy server. No benefits. (except for daily rupees & voting obviously :p and occasional contests like this one!)
  19. Some people seem to not be understanding what these Planet Minecraft banners are for in the first place... let me explain...

    The smaller, regular sized banner is what everyone will see most of the time. It's what's shown in the site's listings - newly updated pages and pretty much everywhere else. And yes, I'm talking about on PMC here.

    However, this larger banner is shown once someone has already clicked on the small EMC banner and is viewing the server's page. The one and only exception to this is if the site is featured in the sectional popular reel or on the homepage - at which point the large banner you're voting for right now will be shown.

    Just thought that needed to be said... don't ask why...
    talukegord likes this.
  20. Shouldn't we be advertising the main unique feature of EMC though? The town - If I wanted pure survival I would go to the 3000 other servers.
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