Vote for our next PMC Banner!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jan 8, 2013.


Which of the PMC Banner Entries do you like best?

Poll closed Jan 11, 2013.
1. JackBiggin 87 vote(s) 31.5%
2. pidda 74 vote(s) 26.8%
3. wolves 115 vote(s) 41.7%
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  1. JackBiggin's is short, straight and gets to the point! Nuff said.
    mba2012 and battmeghs like this.
  2. Your post sounds like a Negative nancy. I have lag but it's MINIMAL as stated on the banner. As Jk said, NO LAG would be lieing. Also how do you know Dude wasn't asked to be included or the banner artist included that to show the shop system? I doubt anyone was looking for popularity points. If anyone got popularity points it would be JackBiggin, he's everywhere and well liked :p
    jkjkjk182 and SoulPunisher like this.
  3. I'm turning 13 this year, and I love reading. I'm not the only one, am I? :p

    Really hard to decide. JackBiggin's looks really clean and nice and sums up EMC nicely, Piddas sums up EMC very nicely, and wolves' looks awesome because its animated and is clean.
    I voted for Jack's, because of my reasons stated above. Really hard to decide.

    I may have missed something, but this one is JUST for PMC, right? I'd really like to see the other ones on the voting websites.
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  4. We'll have voting for the smaller banners soon. :)
    mba2012 and SoulPunisher like this.
  5. The irony in this post is off the scale.

    Quit being a negative nancy, because minimal doesn't mean no lag, it means there isn't much. How do you know dude3333 is looking for popularity points? Do you know him IRL? Do you know him on the server? From the way you said what you said, I don't think you do, and it is the other way around.
  6. I was completely joking with that haha. I was a pretty avid reader when I was in Middle School. I usually had a book I was reading without exception.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  7. It's alright crazy1800 sometimes someone can't take a joke :)
  8. I'm with you dude I'm turning 13 also on April first
  9. Look your just making fun of kids even if its a joke... and your making fun of some of the empire to. Kids play Empire just like you, I play it
  10. May 10th :D
    Someone's offended....
  11. I wasn't making fun of any kids. I simply said mature members are more likely to join because kids are less entertained by just text. All kids? Definitely not, but a hefty majority. You can disagree and look for reasons to be offended, but what I said was just a joke. Chill out
  12. This isn't time and place for arguing go settle this in conversation if wanted . Also he was saying that in a joking manner.
    jkjkjk182 and SoulPunisher like this.
  13. i'm sorry, i thought this was a free world in which i can state my opinion as to why i voted for someone. i wasn't saying anything about the banner saying no lag. i just think it shouldn't mention lag anyways. everyone's ping is different depending on where they are in the world. therefore i think it shouldn't be mentioned period.
    battmeghs likes this.
  14. When a server mentions lag, they arent talking about the client-_- That would be useless-_- They are talking about the amount of lag that the SERVER has. That has absolutely nothing to do with the clients ping. And most people assume that when they see a server advertisement, and it mentions lag, that the server is talking about itself, not the clients ISP-_- Dont mean to be harsh, but at least know a wee bit about what you are talking about before criticizing someones hard work.
    nerone94 and Dwight5273 like this.
  15. It's hard to vote for wolves (Even though I wanted to) because you might take away the animated portion of his banner, which makes it a lot less awesome. I voted for pidda. Good job all of you.
    battmeghs likes this.
  16. They all look fantastic but i voted wolves because it looked really professional :D
  17. Id have to say wolves banner simply because it is simplistic and to the point with its description of the Empire. While these others seem to include a style of description that openly describes a potential down side, mentioning things such as: "Minimal Lag" implying that there is lag and depending on degree a player is used to could still be terrible based on previous perspective and "Mature Admins" which, similar to the lag, could simply be implied as better than what they are used to. As far as visuals the full image transition appeals more to the eye than the simple yellow and grey or the pieced together style of the other banner.
    battmeghs and wolves like this.
  18. wolves hands-down, the other two are just too damn cluttered with text. Wolves good job! Its nice and simplistic to look at and isn't an eyesore :D
  19. all nice ... but I choose 2 by pidda :)
  20. "excellent economy" Oh boy we got a real comedian over here :D.
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