Useful Tool: EMC Shopkeeper

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by shavingfoam, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Haha cool. :) Glad you like the new feature! (and the new loading screen :))
    Lukas3226 likes this.
  2. Version 0.4.18 released! Changes include:
    • Improvements to the Inventory tab:
      • Added the ability to view items by category.
      • Added the ability to specify when an item should be considered "low in stock". You can then view all "low in stock" items by selecting the "low in stock" category.
      • Made it easier to edit your inventory. You can now click on a value in the table to edit it.
      • Fixed a bug that prevented the data from being exported to BBCode.
      • Fixed a bug that prevented the "Item Name" textbox from clearing after adding a new item.
    • Made performance improvements to all table controls.
    • Removed the "Remember Me" checkbox from the login dialog since it never really worked properly.
    • Fixed some item name mappings.
    inventory1.png inventory2.png inventory3.png
    AlexChance, mba2012 and 607 like this.
  3. Tried it today. It didnt download all my rupee transactions and it came up with an error message so I sent the error message in.
  4. Thanks for the error report. It looks like the problem is that one of the item names in your transaction history is too long to fit into the database. I'll work on fixing this.
  5. it just opens a webpage for me and does nothing
  6. I downloaded it like two days ago and still don't got the hang of it.

    My Inventory and Transactions are in blank, only shows payments and bonuses/fees.

    How do I know the most items sold/bought and all that?
  7. You need to save that file your computer (by going to "File > Save As") and then open it with Java by right-clicking on it and going to "Open With > Java". If that doesn't work, then you'll have to download the JAR file instead.

    In order to use the Inventory tab, you have to first add the items that you want to track (i.e. the items that your shop sells). Then, EMC Shopkeeper will increase/decrease that number automatically every time you run an update.

    To view your entire transaction history, go to the "Transactions" tab and click on "entire history". Then, click on "By Item". This will display all of the items your shop has ever bought/sold. You can then click on the column headers to sort the data however you wish.

    Hope that helps! :)
    607 likes this.
  8. Version 0.4.20 released! Changes include:
    • Fixed a bug that prevented items with long names from being added to the database.
    • Fixed a bug where the tables weren't displaying the player portraits after being downloaded.
    • Fixed a bug that could prevent the generic error dialog from being displayed.
    AlexChance, mba2012 and Mirr0rr like this.
  9. is it possible to merge two transactions?
  10. No, it's not. I'll look into adding this feature. :)
    607 likes this.
  11. Version 0.4.20 released! Changes include:
    • Fixed the stack value for eggs (used to be "1", but is now "16")
    • Added the ability to merge multiple payment transactions from the same player into a single payment transaction.
    • Added the ability to specify the transaction type when assigning a payment transaction.
    allengero, 607 and AlexChance like this.
  12. Yay for eggs! Thanks for the updates shaving. :)
  13. You're welcome. :)
    sambish20 likes this.
  14. Is their a way for me to hide my purchases, so it only shows my sales? In other words show how much rupees I've ever made without my purchases lowering that amount?
  15. Not currently. I'll see what I can do.
    Agozyen likes this.
  16. future request: gross sale and buys :)
  17. For the BB codes. If I were to use in signature, would they automatically update after I refresh EMC Shopkeeper?
  18. Added to my to-do list. :)

    No, you would have to regenerate the BBCode after running an Update. But that gives me an idea... ;)
    JMB6362 and allengero like this.
  19. Version 0.4.21 released! Changes include:
    • Added a chat log viewer.
    • Added the ability to find a payment transaction in the chat log. This help you to remember what the payment transaction was for if you forget.
    • Added totals for rupees lost/gained next to the "Net Total" count at the bottom of the screen.
    • Improved caching of profile pictures for better performance.
    payment-transactions.png chat-log.png
    AlexChance, JMB6362 and allengero like this.
  20. Version 0.4.22 released! Changes include:
    • Fixed a bug that caused bonus/fee transactions to be counted multiple times under certain conditions.
    • Added item name mappings for some EMC-exclusive items (such as Marlix's Armor and Freedom Blade).
    rburke5786, 607, AlexChance and 2 others like this.