Useful Tool: EMC Shopkeeper

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by shavingfoam, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. hmmm is it designed working on which java version?
    For school work with java we have to downgrade to a outdated version :/
    new error:

  2. It requires Java 6 or above. Another person got the same error you got. I think your database might have been corrupted somehow. Try restoring a previous database backup if you can.
  3. it's the first time I run the shopkeeper...

    We have java version 7 update 45
  4. Try deleting the ".emc-shopkeeper" folder in your home directory, then restarting EMC Shopkeeper.
  5. [Request]

    Well, as many people so, I have multiple res's with shops on them (2000-Owned by: Todd_Vinton, and 1112-Owned by: Faithcaster), and I was wondering if you could add a feature to split up the shops inventory.

    Custom Tabs for multiple shops

    Inventory Shop 1 (Renameable)
    Inventory Shop 2 (Renameable)

    And I was wondering if you could implant that feature because that will help me out a ton with my shop stocks.

    Hope this goes through

    goreman2000 likes this.
  6. Are you saying that Todd_Vinton and Faithcaster are your alts? If so, you need to be downloading your transactions from each account under different profiles.

    If all of your reses are under the same account then, unfortunately, there's nothing I can do. The rupee transaction history does not include the res number that the shop transaction occurred on, so there's no way to tell.
  7. Todd and Faithcaster are not my alts, I own floors at their malls, but that's fine that you can't I just wanted to see if it was possible.
    607 likes this.
  8. Is it just me or are some players not shown in the shop keeper?
    for example I know for sure, that Alex ( ACInc ) and Todd are not shown in my data. They are in my rupees history, but the shop keeper does not show their name, the items bought/sold or the rupees I made/spended.
    But as they both own a megamalls, I shop a lot by them :/
  9. EMC Shopkeeper only records the rupee transactions of your *own* shop. It does not record when you buy from someone else's shop.
    JMB6362, 607, mba2012 and 1 other person like this.
  10. shavingfoam, when a transaction occurs within your shop, and you have the inventory filled out in the EMC Shopkeeper, would the shopkeeper automatically apply the transactions to the inventory?
  11. Yes. For example, if you have 10 apples in your inventory and someone buys 3 apples from you, that number will change to 7 when you run an update.
    rburke5786 likes this.
  12. Could you add this? :) Wouldn't be /too/ difficult.
    Mirr0rr and DrewRadio like this.
  13. Just saw the source was posted.. Lol whoops missed that. Yeah after looking at the source you pretty much have all the framework needed for both types of player shops. Would just require some minor changes in the personal player shops.

    I'd suggest changing what you have now to PersonalShop, then for shops you buy/sell to make it OtherShop.
  14. Yeah it wouldn't be too hard. I'll see what I can do.
    roblikescake and Mirr0rr like this.
  15. How are you accessing the EMC data?
  16. EMC Shopkeeper uses a technique called "screen scraping". This is when a computer program downloads a webpage and then pulls data out of the webpage's HTML code. So, it basically logs into the EMC website using the username and password you enter, and then downloads each page from your rupee transaction history.
    Mirr0rr, 607 and Pab10S like this.
  17. The scraping is pretty straight forward tbh :p I lack the time to add the feature myself otherwise I'd have done it hehe.
  18. The part that will take the most amount of time is updating the user interface. Adding the logic to scrape these transactions and add them to the database won't take too long.
  19. Version 0.4.17 released! Changes include:
    • Added the ability to view the purchases you made with other shops.
    • Improved the layout of the "Transactions" tab.
    • Added a cooler loading screen.
    • Added 1.8 item mappings.
    • Fixed some item name mappings.
    first-update-warning.png items-table.png players-table.png dates-table.png inventory.png
    mba2012, 607, Mirr0rr and 2 others like this.
  20. Thanks for that :)
    I now can tell you I bought 803 Diamonds for 39'246r in the two years I play on EMC :D
    607 likes this.