UHC - Sundays, 3:30PM EMC Time/7:30PM GMT

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. Noot worthy :eek:
  2. Good Evening All :)

    This will just be a quick message to remind you all that UHC will be back at the usual time today,
    4PM EMC Time :)
    But also, one more thing! :D

    It will now give me great pleasure to announce that starting from this April (and hopefully for the far future),
    The UHC Golden Apple is now back :cool:.
    Throughout each month, every game we play will have it's kills tallied.
    The person who achieves the most kills for the month, will get their hands on the prize :cool:.

    Through the high points and the low points, I hope we can all continue to enjoy this event.

    Thank you all for playing UHC.
  3. Might not be the right place to ask, but will UHC be streamed today?
    Sachrock likes this.
  4. I have not been made aware of any plans, so not likely, sorry.
    Qkazooo likes this.
  5. Chin, you owe me a February apple, lol.

    You also finally updated the winner's post!
    Sachrock likes this.
  6. We have talked about streaming it, but it would out the team who is streaming at a disadvantage because the other players in uhc can see where they are/what they have ect.
    Personally I don't see it happening due to the unfairness that it would cause :)
    Dr_Chocolate, PenguinDJ and Sachrock like this.
  7. You can easily block the coordinates. :p

    As for gear... good luck.
    HxCami10 likes this.
  8. I think i'll just spectate. Or not, idk lol
  9. Might try to make it, if not- GL to everyone. :)
  10. August (I think it was August) for me.
  11. Alright time to restake my claim, time to assemble my team.
  12. I actually counted the points for February and we broke even on the kills ;)
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  13. So Chin, what to do if there is a tie? A battle for the apple or two apples?
  14. I think two apples lol cause I won't have a chance against you
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  15. We'll just go forward with the blind hope that will never happen lol, and hope for the best.
    Qkazooo, Trucker1, Sachrock and 2 others like this.
  16. I'll be there today!
  17. Server is open :)
    Qkazooo likes this.

  18. Seanawesome1 and I had a pretty good strategy.
    FoxyRavenger and BenMA like this.
  19. Well, you didn't have a very good strategy because I killed you... :p
  20. I killed one person.

    Besides, our plan did not take the border making the map closer and having to kill people into account.