UHC - Sundays, 3:30PM EMC Time/7:30PM GMT

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. Isn't it 5pm now because of daylight saving?
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  2. EMC time also follows DST.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  3. 4pm EMC time is not 9pm GMT
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  4. It isn't. It would 8pm for GMT.

    GMT-4 from March-November
    GMT-5 from November-March
  5. That makes a lot more sense.
    PenguinDJ and Sachrock like this.
  6. If ever there is confusion, it will always be at 9PM my time, unless otherwise stated.
    Title updated.
    Qkazooo and b0bbythebuild3r like this.
  7. So Chin, I've gotten an idea. What if we add in a 30 minute grace period to ensure for a longer game and a higher difficulty due to gear we can get.
  8. Chin said no to a grace period. Penguin and I bugged him about it multiple times.
  9. I figured yall asked him already but I wasn't sure lol. I was talking to him a while back and he mentioned considering Gamemode 4 UHC. Not sure if you've seen it but i think that would be awesome. Chin. You should do it.
  10. I may have mentioned it in passing, but I certainly don't have plans to add that, sorry. It would end up adding things people are not familiar with.

    Also, server open.
    Qkazooo likes this.
  11. I know this is late but gg to all 8 people I managed to slaughter :p
  12. Almost had you. Missed a shot that would've had me win the fight. Well played and well deserved win, Spyro. I'll take you out next week :p
  13. I can't go today or any more days until the time changes

    Edit: I can't play full games. I can troll though :cool:
  14. Server now open
    Qkazooo likes this.
  15. Pigman in the spectator box. :eek:

    RIP Bob. He was a great and noble Pigman.
    Dr_Chocolate14 likes this.
  16. first people to find a stronghold ( we passed right through it)
  17. Beware of us.

    ShelLuser, Dufne and PenguinDJ like this.
  18. when you are building a cute house for the waifu but get killed before its finished
  19. Hello RainbowChin, Players, and Spectators,

    I have a suggestion to vastly improve the quality of Rainbow's UHC, hosted on mc.rainbowch.in at 9 PM GMT every Sunday. I hope you can all look at this suggestion without bias, and take it into serious consideration after I explain what the suggestion is and how it can Make Rainbow's UHC Great Again(tm).

    So what is it? It's a Skript. What's a Skript, you ask? I don't know how to explain it, so here's the official description:
    Pretty cool, huh? I think so. Anyway, in some UHC's, hosts choose to run scenarios, little changes from vanilla that tweak how the game is played slightly. They are small changes that make a huge difference.

    I wrote a scenario that I believe should be used for Rainbow's UHC at least once. Introducing...

    Squid Diamonds!
    Everybody loves squid, and that doesn't change when they come out of your diamonds! Whenever a diamond is mined, a squid will spawn. That squid, however, wouldn't be very interesting if it wasn't unique in some way. So I made them unique in some way.
    • There is a 50% chance the squid will drop an additional diamond.
    • There is a 40% chance that nothing will happen (some squid aren't unique, what can I say?).
    • There is a 10% chance that the squid will explode, slightly damaging the player!
    This scenario is usable with only three extremely simple commands!

    • /squiddiamonds enable - enable Squid Diamonds
    • /squiddiamonds disable - disable Squid Diamonds
    • /squiddiamonds help - shows a help menu
    • Shortcut: /sd
    Other than that, absolutely nothing needs to be done to run the scenario once it's installed!

    I've made a short video detailing how to use the skript and showcased it in action!

    Skript (plugin): http://njol.ch/projects/skript/tutorial/
    Squid Diamonds (pastebin): http://pastebin.com/Y0BD2Tyc

    Thank you,