UHC - Sundays, 3:30PM EMC Time/7:30PM GMT

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. You shouldn't have to need staff to intervene everytime. If someone tells you to stop doing something that lags their game, you simply do that. Why does a staff have to confirm this? Just because we don't have a green name doesn't mean you don't have to respect our requets.
    Sachrock and PenguinDJ like this.
  2. but why should I respect you ? You have given me no reason too. And also I'm following the rules and spending a fun time on EMC I have done nothing wrong. Maybe if you were a little nicer with your requests I would respect them.
  3. I would do that... just like i built to Y: 256 at 0,0..
  4. That is just plain rude to say that you don't know anything how I act with any other players and to say you do is a lie and I have tons of respect to player who don't accuse one another's and tries to start flame wars so please stop acting like you know how I act with other players
  5. We're calm on our side. You're the one getting worked over this. I say you agree to no fires and we agree to give you more respect.
  6. Also maybe when ask people thing be respectful I added some words into the quote you can use somethings a simple please is good enough
  7. Can we go over this in PMs I will invite you both
  8. Ok
  9. You know what everyone just drop it dont post any thing else unless it is positve or something about uhc that isn't hatred or being mean. If you dont have any thing nice to say walk away from the key bored.
    ChickenDice and Sachrock like this.
  10. We are working it out in pm thank you for you kindness though
  11. Alright. Now I'm called in and from what I've seen, you guys forget what UHC is about and that it's a GAME.

    Some players are now on forum moderation. The rest of you, take this to pm as requested multiple times. We will start enacting individual UHC bans if this continues.
  12. Thanks krysyy
  13. Hmm fights again, nothing too ordinary from UHC.

    I expected a little more from PenguinDj, Dr_Chocolate, and FallenReavyn. Just note I'm disappointed in you three knowing from the past what happens in UHC when you argue... Things get taken away and frankly I don't want that happen. FallenReavyn, you asked to be moved to a pm why didn't you? PenguinDj and Dr_Chocolate did you notice the tension that was being created?

    I'll leave it to you three on your good judgement on what you can do next time to avoid this in the future.
  14. After previous fights, I will not be going.
  15. I hope to maybe see you next time on there if you go to it, and hopefully we get some kills in and we hear less of people fighting because if it does escalate, I also won't go to it either. But either way, I hope to see you there next Sunday if possible. :)
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  16. Best teammate EVER....
  17. Ill Be There!! :D, when are we going to be aloud on?
  18. Server now open! :)
    Qkazooo likes this.
  19. Good game, all.
  20. Lets see if I can actually come this time, and or get my other friends to join. :D