UHC - Sundays, 3:30PM EMC Time/7:30PM GMT

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. Good job to everyone who participated! This was a very fun UHC! I pulled through with the win! See everyone next sunday! If anyone would like to team up, Please PM me on the forums, don't comment. Have a good rest of your day everyone!
    FoxyRavenger and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  2. Since this is front page I just wanted to clear up the science before someone gets hurt trying to blow out a torch or a fire on the stove or something :p.

    While humans do breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, and it's true that a sufficient level of carbon dioxide in an enclosed space would both put out a candle and ultimately prove toxic to a person (the candle first interestingly enough), the air that comes out of a person's mouth still has sufficient oxygen to be breathed again multiple times, and would definitely not put out a candle on it's own. Humans can survive about half a day in a reasonable-sized sealed room, candles would burn out after a fraction of that time. But still, we're talking about a process that lasts hours from typical atmospheric levels of oxygen/carbon dioxide.

    On the other hand, a fire requires heat, and when you blow on a candle it displaces the air, thus reducing the air where the flame operates to normal room temperature. Without the heat being present, the flame dies. This is the reason a candle goes out, not the level of carbon dioxide.
  3. Server is open
    Qkazooo and Trucker1 like this.
  4. Bow + Horse = Op

    My brother and I are going to update our strategy next time.

    Gg Spyro

    Spyro with 5 kills with me close behind with 3
  5. welp I guess im renaming my alt to xHorsetorio gg but next time don't try to clean up!
    PenguinDJ and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  6. Wow, Spyro with the 5 consecutive kills at the end... that was absolutely amazing.

    I was... less than happy about my death, though. I glitched whenever I was hit, meaning I couldn't use the knockback to my advantage and escape (and I would've been able to at the end had I not died to this).

    ♫ Duuuuuuuuuumb ways to dieeeeeeee, so many dumb ways to dieeeeee! ♫
  7. I got my first kill, but I need more practice :confused:
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  8. penguin I feel you. the past few weeks I,ve died to the same exact thing
    PenguinDJ and Dr_Chocolate like this.

  9. Now that's just strange...
  10. Complain all you want but at the end of the day, it's Chin's server and he can do whatever he wants with it
  11. @Uber_Corq

    They just mess around whenever, lol. They're also a bunch of scrubs. The scrubs have to hang out with their kind, right?
  12. Pretty much
  13. @legoace61

    Sorry, I didn't realize curiosity qualified as complaining. Please, don't let me disturb you.
  14. Oh I did say you were complaining ay. Thankyou for correcting me :) Let's be best friends :)
    Qkazoochan likes this.
  15. If Chin didn't use this server for an EMC event, this would be ok. But he does, and I don't think this should be allowed. Especially after all the special treatment they already get from staff. I'm tired of it.
  16. The fact is Sean, It's a private server that just happens to also be used for emc uhc.
  17. Anyway, regardless of how I might chose to use my own server (funded out of my own pocket), I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow at Sunday's UHC, which is of course unaffected :)
    See you all then :D
  18. I do find it pretty unfair that those players are receiving special treatment? I mean scrubs or not they aren't any different to us so why do they get outside privileges? ;) xxxx

    No but seriously don't make a big deal out of it. As he stated, he pays for this server out of his own Scottish little pocket so it's fine. I still love you Chinny.