UHC - Sundays, 3:30PM EMC Time/7:30PM GMT

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. Seems I'm Scottish now? ;p
  2. I dont think I'm gonna be able to make it. Bummer!
  3. After a recent incident with last game, I won't be going due to my anger of the accusations
  4. There might be short delay in getting the server open, just encountering a block in accessing the server panel... :(
  5. just wondering because I know a few weeks ago chin brought this up top kills you get some like UHC golden apple thing right? just wondering because I know he has said that he takes screenshots of winners but I don't know if he has been keeping score. sorry if this is rude in a way. just wondering
  6. Pretty obvious you've won this month, lol.
  7. Well, gosh darn, I knew there was something I forgot to do :rolleyes:
    *looks at Winners Post :oops:*

    But yeah, I have been keeping a count, no need to worry.
    ShelLuser, Qkazooo and legoace61 like this.
  8. ;-; chin how dare you
    AnonReturns and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  9. I'm playing an adventure map, UHC isn't 1.9... (yet :p)
    Qkazooo, HxCami10 and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  10. :confused: an adventure map without me?!?!?! *sach voice* wooooow
    FDNY21, AnonReturns and Sachrock like this.
  11. Wooooow
  12. Map isn't released yet, will be soon tho :)

    I'm merely testing.
    Qkazooo likes this.
  13. Is it your adventure map, or are you testing for someone else? :)
  14. Somebody else's, that I've had the pleasure of being able to test and be a part of for a while now.
    It's a an adventure/progression map of sorts using the gliding mechanics of the Elytra.
    I'll have a post on here about the map in full once it's released fully.
  15. "1.8" requires no skill! no no no 1.9 Requires no skill don't change it pls or I feel WWIII will break out :p
  16. They both require skill. Don't say 1.9 doesn't, and don't say 1.8 doesn't.
    w0rld_craft3r likes this.
  17. Just a bit under 2 hours :)