UHC - [Old Thread]

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Jun 11, 2015.


Are You Interested in Further Events Like This?

I'm interested, and can/will attend at this time. 97 vote(s) 59.9%
I'm interested, but can't attend at this time. 48 vote(s) 29.6%
I'm not interested in this. 17 vote(s) 10.5%
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  1. What happened?
    jkjkjk182 and b0bbythebuild3r like this.
  2. RIIIIIIP server :'(
  3. Server closed D:
  4. Chin, did you break it again? :eek:
    w0rld_craft3r likes this.
  5. gg i feel down a hole! but anyway gg!!
    AnonReturns likes this.
  6. I was murdered by a skellington on half a heart. :) Good luck to everyone else.
    w0rld_craft3r and AnonReturns like this.
  7. Good game everyone. Thanks for a lot of fun!
    AnonReturns likes this.
  8. TEAM RED WINS! Full Diamond and a total of nine kills!

    GG everyone.
    AnonReturns likes this.
  9. I'm incredibly proud of yellow, seeing as we had two people who've never UHC'd before and myself who is highly flammable :p to come second is amazing of us :D

    GG everyone :D
    B4DMAN5IMON and jkjkjk182 like this.
  10. GG to all you died by Red team or the Wrath of my full diamond it was super fun ^_^ and #2 wins in a row! woohoo
    Nccoryg likes this.
  11. Congrats yellow on your win. :)
    Luckypat, w0rld_craft3r and jkjkjk182 like this.
  12. ? yellow didnt win xD they got super close but didnt win
  13. Okay, thread is now cleaned up.
    Nccoryg, I highly recommend for you to continue this discussion in PM, this thread is not the place for it.
    And for the record, use of X-Ray resource packs is equally punishable.
    Qkazooo, 607, LuckyPat and 6 others like this.
  14. oh man, I had to work during this event too :( I would love to go to one of these it looks like so much fun.
  15. The fun truly lies within watching people play. :p
  16. actually its killing people ...
    Nccoryg likes this.
  17. I just want to thank Chin for this event, I had never played before therefor had no idea how much fun it would be :)
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