UHC - [Old Thread]

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Jun 11, 2015.


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I'm interested, and can/will attend at this time. 97 vote(s) 59.9%
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  1. Shuuuuush. It's not even on fire anymore ._.
    herocrafter2912 and Dwight5273 like this.
  2. Great Game to everyone who played... It was tons of fun :D
    They should do these in the week as well.
  3. First time playing. Had no clue what to do all game. I saw Chin explode into very many pieces though >.<

    Thanks for hosting.
    jkjkjk182 and PenguinDJ like this.
  4. Good Game spyrovsgnorg

    Edit : First time ever playing UHC I can't believe I didn't die at the start of the game
    ThaKloned likes this.
  5. Unfortunately, I had to leave early. Good game everyone! Can someone fill me in on what I missed?
  6. Spyro won.
  7. Chin exploded. Anon BBQed herself instead of a rabbit. The once dominant Black Team got decimated by the remnants of gold team. Lastly, the lone survivor of the massacre of Black Team dug straight down hoping to use fall damage as leverage but ended up falling into a horde of mobs.

    Blue won.

    Think that covers it. :)
    AnonReturns, ThaKloned and PenguinDJ like this.
  8. 4 on 2. How? Idek. GG spyro and team.

  9. Only that I was the lone black member and had enough gold for 3 apples but no apples :(
    ThaKloned likes this.
  10. WARNING STUPID QUESTION AHEAD: I am not currently able to join the server, and I have the right IP. Is it one of those things where I cannot join until 9:00 EMC time?
  11. It's over it started at 4 pm Emc time or 9pm BST time
  12. The UHC today was at 4 p.m. EMC time.

    Edit: Ninja'd :p
  13. I don't understand. What happened and how to you guys?
  14. It wasn't just orange. We took out the rest of red then orange rushes in with both of them in almost full diamond and we were already low and they took out two of us before they died then blue had a sky base and starting sniping at the two survivors me and penguin and he need a gapple desperately and ended up getting apples but no gold.

    Then it was spy vs me and we had same health but I was lagging so bad that I could stay on the surface to get apples so I dug down at 0,0 but ended up falling into a pit of mobs with spy 10 blocks above me.
    If he had broken the block he was on he would have fallen to his death
    Dr_Chocolate14 likes this.
  15. Wow. You guys did pretty damn well. There is always next time. :)
    crafter31211 likes this.
  16. woah woah woah your forgeting about sep :p and i didnt dig straight down your hole crafter i dug on the side :p and i didnt make the base doggie/ben did
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  17. #never doubt the 2nd to smallest team hehehe
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  18. Well I tried and failed
  19. Qkazooo and Codygraw like this.
  20. Thread title is wrong. Should say Sunday. :p
    RainbowChin likes this.
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