UHC - [Old Thread]

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Jun 11, 2015.


Are You Interested in Further Events Like This?

I'm interested, and can/will attend at this time. 97 vote(s) 59.9%
I'm interested, but can't attend at this time. 48 vote(s) 29.6%
I'm not interested in this. 17 vote(s) 10.5%
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  1. Well the border shrinks eventually so all mining players would want to get out from underground before it kills them... :D
  2. Since something about hacking happened i didnt keep any of my stats so my stats are currently

    Deaths: 1

    Games Played: 2

    Wins: 1

    Kills: 7
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  3. RainbowChin has decided to honour us with a Weekly Ultra Hard Core!!!
    These are good news since UHC has been growing in popularity, and my i celebrate this decision.

    UHC official run times will be Sundays 4PM emc time

    for the ones that don't know what UHC is
    UHC is a extreme Group pvp challenge.
    you get a book with colors to choose yourself a color team!
    but if the groups are uneven the host will ask you to move groups to even out the teams.

    when the teams are even, the groups are teleported into the waste. with nothing on what so ever.
    then you have an HOUR to mine and grind and gear yourself up, and even enchant your stuff. as you can, to get yourself ready for the pvp finish!
    you won't heal in this challenge, unless you eat golden apples. and they give 3 hearts each, so getting gold and apples is a valuable source, and getting hurt is real danger, because if you die, you are out!
    after your hour is up, the walls of the barrier starts shrinking to get you to the middle of the challenge arena. if you land outside of the barriers you die.
    if all of the members of your team perish, your team does not win.
    if any one of your team stands up being the winner. your team wins the challenge
  4. See you guys there.
  5. Aw Kewl!!!
  6. Could the times change each week/month?
  7. since this is totally RainbowChin, it completely goes by chin's schedule
  8. yay #time to get rdy probs wont do this next one but ehh afterwards ima get my UHC buddie's and we come get you guys
  9. i'll give you guys a chance
  10. If you are going to bring your friends to just completely destroy EMC players, then I don't think you understand the point of our events.
    Luckypat, Dragonhawk32 and PenguinDJ like this.
  11. that's the thing I don't have any friends
    TromboneSteve likes this.
  12. Well... I get off work at the same time that this starts, and it takes me like 15-20 minutes to get home, so sadly I won't make it :(
  13. I Love Your Bottom quote by the picture, Myself is adopted and it doesn't matter if we are the same blood all that matters is that we love each other nd we stay together.
  14. I'll see if I can assemble my team for tonight ;)
  15. Shall someone team with "the pvp god as a lot of ppl tell me"?
  16. Server opens in roughly 1 hour :)
  17. Hey Chin, I have a suggestion. So I and I'm sure several others have things like church going on Sunday nights. So what I'm suggesting that maybe the time could be pushed forward for an hour? Just an idea ;) Thanks!
  18. Oh boy I can't wait to be in here, is the server open now chinny?
  19. It's been 49 Minutes since he said that comment, so no.
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