The Writer's Corner Needs More Writing!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Ritunn, Dec 28, 2016.


What do you use the Writer's Corner for?

Writing 2 vote(s) 12.5%
Reading 5 vote(s) 31.3%
Both 6 vote(s) 37.5%
None of the above 3 vote(s) 18.8%
  1. As a writer, this is all that matters. Write for purely your own enjoyment. If anyone else happens to like it that's just a bonus.
  2. Trust me- I was young at the time. Personally, those stories are terrible. Wow, you inspired me to create a new series soon ;)
    Shadow_Dcord likes this.
  3. Okay, let me emphasize how much that meant to me. Coming from an amazing writer like you, I'm surprised some of my past works were 'good.' I'm going to try a different way to attract people's attention at the start: graphics. I'm going to make a giant wallpaper/movie poster to get everyone excited because people lose interest. :p And you just gave me a new idea: another option in my upcoming EnderGraphics service.
  4. You think I'm an amazing writer? That's a lot saying the only reason why I write here is because of you, Shell and Keph. You're the guy who got me writing on EMC with your stories, all of you in a way motivated me to get better and better. I never thought it would be the other way around.
    607 likes this.
  5. Wow. Its really weird that both of us inspired each other. xD
    607 likes this.
  6. I have written loads of things, short stories, poems, everything, the only problem is, It's all in Dutch, and I guess there isn't any place for other langues than Englisch, is there?
    607, Raaynn and TomvanWijnen like this.
  7. Well... i obviouly couldnt read them... but dont we have a rather large dutch community here? A location to buy them specifying they were in dutch should be sufficient if its allowed by the staff...

    ...and i would actually buy copies for a particilar reason...
    Jelle68 and 607 like this.
  8. Interesting, I guess I might have some typing to do than, I'm currently on holly days, but I guess I'll find what all is possible afterwards, but I guess I will type things out if I may share (I'd otherwise just leave it as papers...)
    Raaynn and 607 like this.
  9. I don't really write poetry or prose, although I really like writing. Sorry. :3