The Writer's Corner Needs More Writing!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Ritunn, Dec 28, 2016.


What do you use the Writer's Corner for?

Writing 2 vote(s) 12.5%
Reading 5 vote(s) 31.3%
Both 6 vote(s) 37.5%
None of the above 3 vote(s) 18.8%
  1. So one of my favorite things to do on these forums other than doing my own writing, is reading what others have wrote in the Writer's Corner. Lately there hasn't been much stuff actually being written in there. The most recent thing in there, other than my own writing was Empoleons' Alternate World War 2 History, which was a nice short read. That was posted on the first of December 2016, quite a while ago now.

    My point is that I would love to see more people sharing there writing or doing a weekly update on a story, similar to what I've done. I do understand not everybody has time to do this, but it'd be really nice to see some more cool writing in the corner by this awesome community! There are lots of you who can write a good story and I know some of you have thought about it, so this is your chance, since school is off and all.
    607, EnderSkele, Raaynn and 3 others like this.
  2. I might start writing some short stories there or maybe poems. I am not sure yet but I will try to do something :D
  3. I've got an idea....
  4. I do enjoy a good idea.
    607 likes this.
  5. are poems ok?
    Raaynn likes this.
  6. Why are you asking me? I don't run it, I'm just saying we need more writing.
    607 likes this.
  7. Ok, sorry? Thought it was your thing my bad.
  8. It's fine. No need to apologize.
  9. I would write a whole book if I thought people would read it, however I know better.
  10. Ha, this is so funny

    ... just because I happen to be in the process of sending you a message when I happen to see this thread. You'll get what I mean shortly :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. Be prepared;)
    607 and Raaynn like this.
  12. But yes... poems would be great.. and that is writing...
    607 likes this.
  13. I love writing.. I would love to share some stuff.. :p
  14. I have written many books a while ago but I tossed them aside thinking no one would read them :/ I do regret that now....

    I am thinking of writing another book now but I just need a idea :D
  15. I only write if I really have to :p hehe....

    Last one I made, most players know, and that was a year+ ago tehe
  16. So far I managed to keep my story up for more than year, and it's still going :p Hmm, if time permits I might do an update today :)
    607, Shadow_Dcord and LordessSpartan_ like this.
  17. I like writing, thats why I'm on the contribution team. :p I used to write a bunch of stories, but no one was interested. Thus, I gave up on writing stories, but maybe I'll start again soon.
  18. Well I've read some of your longer stories, such as the EMC Radiation Story and The Christmas Story. Lots of people seemed interested in those, they were pretty good too. Just because nobody shows interest means you should give up, I wouldn't be writing now if I did that.