The thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by triphora, Jan 18, 2021.

  1. You found me, Moople

    (blame jewel)
  2. I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't know what's going on. ._.
    farmerguyson and wafflecoffee like this.
  3. You're definitely not, I'm also here! :D
    farmerguyson, 607 and wafflecoffee like this.
  4. I'm here to join in on the fun-of-not-knowing :p
    607 and wafflecoffee like this.
  5. Moople was having trouble finding "the thread" (an unnamed build team thread) and then jewel had this idea:
  6. I was hoping you would be. :cool:
    You're welcome too. :D
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  7. wafflecoffee and Tuqueque like this.
  8. Eureka!
    Egeau and 607 like this.
  9. Finally a reference that I can appreciate. :p :D
    Raaynn and Egeau like this.