The Struggle is Real

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Unoski, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. *Craft

    cowland123 likes this.
  2. Don't judge me.
    Sgt_Pepper4, 607 and TromboneSteve like this.
  3. I think the shading is reversed...
    cowland123 and Sgt_Pepper4 like this.
  4. That's correct. There are two ways to put a pumpkin on your head:
    1. look straight up, holding the pumpkin in your hand, and press 'q', or
    2. have a downward-facing piston, 2 blocks above you, push one down onto your awaiting head
    "Come on, let's go and pave!"
  5. UltiPig likes this.
  6. But now the right black line is where the white one should be...

  7. Im glad to see that someone else also uses that "super secret setting"
  8. I'm wondering how the picture looked before this, now :p
  9. Placing advertisements is difficult.

    And consequently, trying to find a thread using the search bar is even more difficult.

    tinkao, tuqueque, Sgt_Pepper4 and 3 others like this.
  10. Time for inspect element ;)
    (no, seriously, I have a thing against adblock, so if I get an obnoxious ad I delete it with inspect element :p)
    tinkao likes this.
  11. If you ever feel unloved, just be glad you're not this guy.

    (I have no idea why they actually left)
  12. Haha, I have my adblock turned off for EMC ;) (took me a while though, because it didn't work at first (or I probably wasn't smart enough to make it not work for EMC :p)

    Seeing the afk kick sometimes is quite beautiful :p

    EDIT: I mean, just look at this: :p

    SkareCboi, Sgt_Pepper4 and StoneSky like this.
  13. Here is a struggle and I am calling it the Law of Structure Moves

    Law of Struggle Moving
    Every major structure move you do, you will end up with less blocks than started with.

    I started with the above picture and 59 extra packed ice. I ended up with a deficit of 1 packed ice.
    tinkao, 607 and Sgt_Pepper4 like this.
  14. I just love 1.9.
    In 1.9, your hand can hold up shovels without even touching it! :cool:
    Also, the crafting is super cool too.

    SirTah, tinkao, Rhythmically and 4 others like this.
  15. It looks like your resource pack is 1.8. Mojang shifted the crafting gui to make room for the second hand slot (which you don't seem to have)
    607, Sgt_Pepper4 and tuqueque like this.
  16. The struggle is over there hopefully.
  17. *secretly admits that* Nah, it's 1.9 ;)
  18. Can we appreciate the Frontier's struggle? You don't know the damage until you see it clearly.
    FoxyRavenger, Vizsco, tinkao and 8 others like this.