The SMP War

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DaybreakerMC, Feb 10, 2015.


Will you fight?

Yes 49 vote(s) 71.0%
Ies 20 vote(s) 29.0%
  1. Fake
  2. I have carl in a secret Res in a safe room which only I have access to. (I'm not the owner of the res)
  3. I was trying to make peace! By being deceitful and creative....:)
  4. i wanna fight tbh :p
  5. sooooo...... how do we fight?
  6. i guess someone would turn pvp on
  7. ok, Its going to be an event at the pvp arena! :)
    I'll set it up now...
  8. I think someone needs to submit the event....
  9. oh ok lol
  10. I think only staff can turn pvp on tho.
  11. Only admins and Ss can turn Pvp on.
  12. Although I wouldn't think they would, as EMC is a non-PvP survival server. You would have to get the battle to be in the PvP arenas.
  13. I tomijo95 a fellow SMP7er will like to offer my first res for a meating for the Air Force to go too since I have a huge Air Force wall on my res and I have secret areas where people can meat. I'm in as a fellow smp7er!!! Woot woot. lol idk what's goigg on but if there an Air Force I'm gonna support that military branch.
  14. You're with me then :D
    I've got a few helicopter and jet designs planned, so we can work that out when we're both on.
  15. Updates with smp4 forces:

  16. My friend HADEKAI ( Who is my friend in real life. ) has hidden Carl in a place you will never find him it is not hidden at either of out residences nope he hid it at his brother's residence good luck finding out who is HADEKAI's brother oh and BTW it's not me we're friends in real life not siblings plus his brothers a lot older than us.
  17. I already told them :p
  18. OK then good job SEP you have served your server with great pride.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  19. Wait, is this still going on?
    *looks outside and sees the intense battles raging*
    . . . how did I not notice that?
    tinykate1 and Dwight5273 like this.